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September 2005

bike chrysalis

this motorbike has turned in to a chrysalis and will no doubt emerge as some motorbike version of chitty chitty bang bang.

kezia has recently announced that white butterflies are actually tooth fairies.

doggy thought waves

i’ve only just worked out what this sign means. i thought it was a dog looking at the floor with a funny hairstyle.
this sign is on the Vienna U-bahn and i’ve been after it for a few days now.

one man without a dog

remember the chap who always brings his dog to the conference ? if not, see here or here.
well this year he didn’t bring his dog. he brought his wife along instead !
here he is without his dog.

phone book

someone had left their address book in this phone box. i could have phoned all their friends to tell them. but i didn’t.

closed for good

here is a sign on the old police station in henley. it says it’s “closed for good”. but it might have been for bad. surely it’s too early to tell ?

here’s a dreadfully photoshopped attempt at giving the old police station some character.

(this is exactly why i don’t use photoshop much !)

george harrison’s front gates

george harrison used to live in henley behind these gates. this house is just the gate house i think.
once again, right place, wrong time

a very sinister set of signs

why is the fat lady wearing gloves ? and why have the old man and the man with the grabbing stick got x-ray specs on ?

time warp cafe

click to admire the tables, chairs, cupboard and that fantastic wall paper !