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cockatil spotted

spotting animals is so rare in London that it’s always worth telling others about it.
but what if you haven’t got a blog ? write it on a piece of paper and stick it in the street.


8 thoughts on “cockatil spotted”

  1. Your titles and subtitles really make the day! – But what is a cockatil? i know the australian cockaboora (our german name would be “laughing john”); in which direction i have to think?

  2. did you live on/in a zoo michelle ?
    everytime i put an animal related picture up you have a childhood story to tell with a fantastic associated fact (for which i am always greatful) !

  3. Great, those comments! i am glad that i learned a new word. Just in case someone would like to know ;-), in german this bird is called Nymphensittich…

  4. we need to be a bit careful here. jane, my lovely wife, teaches people German. if they can come to this site and get words for free she might be out of a job !

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