£7 / 100ml is quite a lot for a drink. That’s £70/litre. There was obviously some mistake on the pricing label and i wanted to make sure it wasn’t the price / bottle figure which was incorrect.
so i pointed out to a shelf stacker in Tescos that i wasn’t prepared to pay £17.50 for a 250ml bottle of juice and he got very confused.
so i pointed at the sign a few times and explained my maths until he eventually walked off.
in the end it only cost me £1.75 so i needn’t have worried anyway. And if it makes my cold go away then it was money well spent.
but it probably won’t so probably wasn’t.
Were there any “guilty cranberries” on the next shelf
for some reason i read that as “guilty grannies”. there were none of those either.
I once tried to explain to a bank clerk that a four digit PIN number had 10,000 permutations.
He didn’t get it and said there must be millions of permutations.
I should have tried to withdraw a million pounds and been “quids in”.
Ooh I saw those the other day. I think next time I do see them, I’ll buy one. They are really just too cute looking not to.
These drinks are lovely.
At Glastonbury festival they are sold from an ice cream van covered in grass. Also guys walk around selling them from grass covered backpacks. Very cool and funky
it WAS a very nice drink.
was the van like this one: http://www.funkypancake.com/blog/archives/001324.html
Oooh yes it was *grins*
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