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xmas 07

hotel full


hotel flup at xmas.  whatever next.

getting festive

it’s the annual ‘dressing of the music stands’.  christmas has arrived. (except in our house as i didn’t win the decorating argument – but actually we wouldn’t have had time anyway)


festive decorations


these things are on a road off oxford street (can’t remember which)


the sky was fantastic as i walked by staring up in to the sky.


this weekend might be christmas tree weekend (if i can convince jane)

clive and a spare moustache

how do christmas crackers know so much about their owner ?  so often hairless people get combs, and boys get make up items or lovely hair decorations.

at a christmas lunch yesterday clive got a false moustache, not unlike his own moustache.  still, it’s good to carry a spare in case there are any unfortunate facial hair incidents.

best qaulity xmas trees

i saw this yesterday. top qaulity. get them early (before the spelling police come round)