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strange symbols in names

now, i thought it was a modern phenomenon to use obscure characters in names, like exclamation marks and question marks, and of course the liberation of the @ sign in to every email address.
however, it seems the typographical thing goes way back. like frederik who abbrev’d himself to fredk. That’s a superscript underlined k. fancy that.
i’ll even forgive his capitall letters as it’s so good.



pubbish is a good word. it was written on a piece of paper outside a publisher’s office near where i work so perhaps it’s a contraction of ‘publishers rubbish’
but i think it better describes the feeling of wanting to nip to the pub. “i’m feeling a bit pubbish. fancy it?”

apparel master

how good is this advert ? i took this photo in the BBC radio studios a while back. the word apprarel is great and we should all try and use it at least once in the next week.

absolute nonsense

here are some instructions on the back of some stickers that Esther got from a party. it makes no sense what so ever. which is a great idea.
click for a version big enough to read.

elegant stand

click photo to see the word on the street:


would you believe it, about an hour after writing this i saw the word lush written on a box in the street !
it was the kind of box which would have had tomatoes (another blog post this morning) in.
what a bizarre circular morning.