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wheelchair stair


if i was a wheelchair user i’d probably want to avoid the stair rather than being directed to it



this is a step

a rather fancy staircase


apparently this was the first free standing staircase.  i can’t confirm whether that was the case.  but it’s very fancy nevertheless

spiral stairs


if i could take this picture again i’d use a larger aperture to throw the distracting background out of focus.  just so you know.




uneven steps – use the handrail

now, i’ve got a lot of respect for the sea, so you wouldn’t find me crossing to the island in the face of a fast moving tide.
and i especially think that using the hand bar instead of the uneven steps is asking for trouble.

spiral staircase
this is probably the best of my spiral staircase pictures from here which i didn’t publish at the time

the sound of the escalator

this is an escalator near the hotel where i stayed in brussels. here’s a video of it. listen to the sound it’s making.
doesn’t the beat remind you of Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega (from 99.9F)? It did me, so much so i’ve downloaded the best of Suzanne Vega to revise some of her songs.
actually, now i listen to the song and the video, the link is quite tenuous, but at the time it worked.

guess the stairs
can anyone guess where this is ? it’s a london landmark which costs 2 of your english earth-pounds to go in
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