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security gates

here is a concreted-over door a set of gates attached.
it’s a double security feature.


i don’t generally do sound. but here is a sound i found down the back of the cooker (on my old computer):
Ooooooh.wav (85KB)

unlucky fashion

you spend all morning thinking what to wear and you walk out in to the street and there’s someone wearing exactly the same computer advert as you. ho hum.

go slow-mo

there seems to be a new fitness craze in london. it involves ‘running’ with giant steps, but the object of the exercise is to go as slow as you can with the biggest steps as possible !
these people looked like clowns trying to run through treakle on the moon. i wanted to go closer and see if they were talking really slowly to each other like a slowed down vide tape.
instead i hid in the trees and stalked a photo.

window undressing

i spotted this in a shop window this morning. i think it might be subliminal advertising.
do you look like this ? if so, you need clothes. and arms.


there was a massive struggle this morning involving three men pulling on a massive rope which was also attached to a massive lorry. the middle of the rope went down in to this pub basement and by some cunning means they were lifting a barrel.

private prop-a-tree

here is an old tree propped up with metal sticks. how demeaning for this old tree to have to rely on a non-wooden metal post to stay upright.

don’t quite get it

someone hasn’t quite got the idea of postboxes. i didn’t check to see if the parcel was still there this morning.

try BBCi interactive

here is a very reflecty window picture. it’s from BBC Bush House and shows a demo of the BBC Digital interactive channel. you have to press the buttons on the window and you can see it. only you can’t. because the monitor on the other side of the window is facing the wrong way. shame.


here is a load of ice cubes under a tree:
here they are a bit closer up:
how funny i thought.
second later (and then a few minutes later when i took this photo) big chunks of ice started falling to the ground in the form of hail:
it must mean something ? but what ?

DIY umbrellas

here is a cheeky shop which is selling bin bags as umbrellas. but at least they are being honest about it.

guess the rubbish

can you guess today’s mystery rubbish item ? an over zealous office cleaner has thrown the baby out with the bathwater (sort of).
will you mop this floor then put everything out by the bins?

old groovers

remember this chap ? well he was out yesterday with a couple of pensioners dressed up as funky 70s disco dancers with wigs. it was very scarey. their strange jerky arm movements were particularly disturbing.
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