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a very british scene

here is a classic british scene. it’s morris men on a rainy may day bank holiday. they delighted us by doing their usual bell jingling stuff with the added protection of umbrellas.
this group of morris men had blackened up their faces and looked very scarey.
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gelatine blows stuff up doesn’t it ? not a good plan to put that on your nahds or face surely ? might be good for a face lift if you don’t mind your face being a lifted very quickly a few inches above your head.
and why did i say inches. i’m metric boy. through and through.

tree sack race

here’s two trees having a sack race up a street. it’ll be egg and spoon tomorrow and a three trunked race on wednesday.
the highlight will be the parent trees race on friday when a number of extremely competitive giant pine trees will come barging down the street (much to the embarrasement of the junior trees).

an idyllic location

i’ve just been researching what to do as a family activity today and this caught my eye. it’s the Reading Trail. Looking at the map, it looks like you get some good nature to observe:
sewage works, gravel pit, other works, a weir, a main road, a television trasmitter and some electricity pillons. what more could you want for in a family day out ?


the milkman now has a telly, a bar stool and an exercise rowing machine on the back of his float. something for every occasion.

puddle dog

it’s been a day for finding odd shapes that look like other things. there was the wombat this morning and now here’s a little dog made out of wet pavement i saw when i finally made it back home.

bin update

a slight movement closer to the road since yesterday. i hope this isn’t a suicide attempt.

nice weather for ducks in a row

here are some ducks in a row at paddington station:
and here is an escapee a few miles away near Harley Street. it’s nice weather for ducks today so it should be ok:

who’s bin moving it ?

this bin moves around a fair bit. yesterday it was by a bollard further down the street. today it’s in the middle of the street.
i find this very interesting and will try and keep an eye on it for you.

great at faces

they are doing up the whole area round St Pauls and it looks great (it’ll look even better when they’ve finished sandblasting the cathedral itself).
i noticed today that they’ve put up these heads on sticks.
the sculpturer is great at faces, but is lacking when it comes to hats and bodies.
or perhaps they are people with really long knecks and their bodies are underground ? if you go down to St Paul’s tube station you can see their feet dangling through the tunnel ceilings. possibly.
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more pants

following the huge popularity of my pants last week, here are some new pants. i bought these in Reading on saturday for £3.50. they are cream and brown and made of a very unpleasant towelling material.
you can almost taste the quality.

my pants

i like collections. i’ve even got a collection of underpants.
here they are. click for a good look.


here is someone dressed as a dinosaur (or could be a dragon) trying to convince people to buy a camera. unfortunately there weren’t many people walking down the street so (s)he didn’t have many people to talk to.
it also meant that anyone who did walk past got a very warm welcome. which was not always welcomed.
i’m not convinced this was the best marketing strategy for the shop in question.

something uplifting

maxx asked for something uplifting after the sad chair and zimmer frame pictures. so here it is.
a magic lifting ladder which just appeared outside my window:
funkypancake – you ask and i’ll blog it !

zooming zimmers

look at this poor zimmer frame. it’s jack-knived. i hope no one got hurt.
probably a pensioner trying it for speed and took a corner too fast:
this is obviously a common occurance as they have special breakdown lorries to collect them:

summer styles

Marleybone High Street is a very fashionable place, so where better to see what this summer’s fashion is likely to be ?
i just hope this summer is going to be a warm one (the reflection in the window is deliberate so to preserve at least some modesty).

broken cashpoint

this cashpoint is brokened. so they’ve put a little sign on it which is a nice idea. i like the way there is a receipt hanging out the top right hand slot of the machine.
the machine itself obviously thinks it’s working – or is it just sticking its paper tongue out at us in a style of mockery.