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the sound of bins

a lot of people ask me what bins sound like, especially at christmas.
Here’s a sound clip of a mini-explosion (a lorry dropping something i think) and some nice christmas music

cleaning and curling

curling is a funkypancake sport. not because i’m good at it though, because i’m not.
look at his utility bin.
beyond brushes, which are an essential part of the game, you also get to wear the most fantastic shoes.
initially they looked like normal trainers:
but you can pull the rubber bottom off (called a ‘kipper’) and reveal a super-slippy teflon sole, enabling you to whizz about on the ice like a mad thing
and look at all the other gadgets and gizmos you can get:


the beauty and the bins

look at this bin. it’s holding a bouquet of flowers. but why ?
it’s trying to woo the bin on the other side of the road
and here’s looking from the other side

the bin site-seeting tour
i messed the contrast up on this picture so you couldn’t see the bins in the foreground. after some random fiddling in Photoshop i ended up with this very strange effect, which i quite like. no idea what i did.

the bin menders

these guys are bin mending specialists. they came out to rescue these falled bins and replace their wheels. the masked hero kneeling down is welding the bin back to health.
i witnessed the whole thing out my office window.

bucket with a purple towel

it’s a bucket by a bin. it’s got a purple towel in. and a lady in the background has a purple jacket. spooky or what ?

specialised bins

here are two slightly seperate strange things in the same bin complex.
see how specialised these bins have become. this bin is only for Beans on Toast. which makes me think that the Beans on Toast people haven’t had a good day

and then this chap appears to be in a bin, but he wasn’t.

jaunty bin

here is a jaunty bin sent by vin. it’s vin’s bin. vin’s jaunty vin.
it is very good ! you might need to click it for the big version to get the full effect.