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things in the bin

i rarely take pictures of things in bins, and i don’t think i’ve ever taken a picture *from* a bin. but i thought this was interesting. it’s 20 checkout till rolls balanced.

lolly shaped bin

it’s a funny sort of logic that makes a company want to make bins in the shape of the very product they are trying to sell you. Buy a twister, you’ll love it so much you’ll throw it away.
at least it’s acknowledging it’s junk food or something.

royal mail

this is confusing. it’s a royal mail bin. dressed up to look like a post box. standing next to a postbox.
perhaps it’s a trainee post box ?

blog turbulence subsiding

the server turbulence is gradually subsiding. let me know if you spot any weirdies.

the great bin men convoy

there was a really long convoy of bin men walking down this street.
so many i needed to take two separate photos and still didn’t get the last 2 bins at the back