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October 2008



why ?


these signs are sadly all too common in london (though generally i think london is a safe place).  this one struck me for the graffiti’d “why?”

hassock of the week


is the chap in the middle wearing really big white shoes ?

Waddesdon Manor

another lovely trip to waddesdon yesterday to meet my mum before she disappears for a few weeks with work.  we had a lovely morning as usual with a brunch and a walk.


we got very ‘lost’ on the way thanks to me putting the wrong postcode in the satnav.  satnav got us there, but it was the wrong place.  then we realised we hadn’t got a map.  then we saw my mum drive by so we quickly turned round but failed to keep up with her along a wiggly road, but then esther remembered that her car was a different colour and we’d be following a stranger.

so we stopped and i found the proper postcode via my blackberry and we weren’t actually that far away, so it only took us a couple more minutes to find it.

this new arty tyre tree thing was good.


sewer pipe


this is an air ventilation pipe for a sewer.  fancy that.


black and white


we had a family funeral yesterday to celebrate the life of a great aunt.  it was the kind of party she would have loved to have attended with her family and friends travelling from all over the country to be there.

this picture is of the vicar and the undertaker.  what a great contrast the two made.  you’ll want to click the picture to study the undertaker – he was dressed perfectly, right down to the wonky pince-nez glasses !




look at this gnarly gnarler
