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air hockey


i had yesterday off work as we were expecting builders to start work (now delayed 2 weeks – ho hum).  since jane was at work and the girls don’t start back at school until tomorrow we went off adventuring, which involved ten pin bowling.

kezia beat esther, and in classic ‘loser is the chooser’ mode she chose air hockey as the follow up gain which she won.  ‘winner chooses dinner’ meant we dined like kings chez McD’s before heading home to watch ponkyhonta 2 on VHS (retro).  which wasn’t as tearful for the watchers as ponky 1.

on the subject of old fashioned technology we scoured the second hand shops for Playstation 1 games as the girls favourite one departed at the same time as our house guests last week much to their sadness (tears for that too!).  A man in computer shop said “sorry, we don’t do retro games”. Esther said “don’t worry dad, we don’t have the latest computer games but we do have lots of adventures” which is good to know.
