This is a great pic, fp. I especially like the three windows that are stuffed full of monitors. Is this in London?
it’s real?
it’s the view from City Hall in London. it’s the office block next door.
modern glass buildings give a a cross section like view of the world.
Funky, you spoil us with your skills. Is this available EVEN BIGGER!?
your wish is my command.
full size version is here:
it’s not as sharp as i would have liked as i’d had a couple of beers and it was quite chilly if i remember correctly.
(taken with my Canon 350D).
please don’t use it for industrial esponage.
I study Japanese at uni, and can end up in one of very few careers. One is working in an office like this. It’s my biggest fear, but I think it’s pretty much inevitable.
This is a great pic, fp. I especially like the three windows that are stuffed full of monitors. Is this in London?
it’s real?
it’s the view from City Hall in London. it’s the office block next door.
modern glass buildings give a a cross section like view of the world.
Funky, you spoil us with your skills. Is this available EVEN BIGGER!?
your wish is my command.
full size version is here:
it’s not as sharp as i would have liked as i’d had a couple of beers and it was quite chilly if i remember correctly.
(taken with my Canon 350D).
please don’t use it for industrial esponage.
I study Japanese at uni, and can end up in one of very few careers. One is working in an office like this. It’s my biggest fear, but I think it’s pretty much inevitable.
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