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olympic airways

i travelled to athens with Olympic Airways. The plane was quite grubby and old and i don’t think i’d use them again.
A good indicator of their quality was their toilet which was piled up with toilet paper on a shelf.
and on the way back they had a whole wall of various papers
although they obviously were trying to bring some order to the situation
another thing about olmpic airlines was their life-jackets, which i couldn’t work out at all from their demonstration. it had extra straps all over the place.
but how about this curiousity. definately one to click for largeness.
the captain looks pleased with himself as he has worked out how to put his jacket on, whilst the lady on the top left can’t find her jacket. meanwhile the plane itself has crashed in to the sea and a fireball is floating away (actually, the fireball looked more like the last supper when you could see it in more detail)
we can only guess what the picture on the bottom left of this is
today is turning in to a bit of a rant – sorry about that.


1 thought on “olympic airways”

  1. Cant see the bottom left picture very clearly, even clicked big.
    Presumably it is oxygen, is /isn’t available in the loo, but definitely no smoking in the loo.

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