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the funkypancake year
here’s a photo that kezia took of me
it’s new year’s eve today so i thought i’d take the opportunity to thank you for continuing to visit
in the last 12 months funkypancake:
walked over 4,100 kms, (40km-ish of which was during the london marathon [and you helped me raise 1,838.68 pounds]), was featured in dogs today magazine, had over 380 thousand unique visitors to the blog causing 545G of traffic over 2.8 million pages served, was featured on radio, had a site upgrade and redesign, averaged over 1700 visitors per day, went curling with olympic gold winners, visited norfolk, the lake district, austria and belgium, posted a pile of photos every day (there’s now over 10,000 photos on funkypancake, and as many spelling mistakes), and lots of other stuff besides.
i hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as i have !
