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curling with the golden olympians

i spent the day curling yesterday.
the three teachers were all olympic gold medal winners (see here).
it’s a mad game of sweeping and sliding and pushing a big stone
the olympians were rhona, janice and debbie

3 thoughts on “curling with the golden olympians”

  1. Glad that you enjoyed curling, and in the brand new rink AND the olympic ladies to help you.
    How did you get on? It is a tricky sport to get the hang of if you are all beginners together.
    It is a great sport though: it can be really serious (like the olympics) or more fun and relaxed – as it is at Club Curling level. I really enjoy it and have 7 games in the next 10 days at the large Perth ice rink (8 sheets of ice = 64 curlers per session).
    Lots of sweeping and shouting. Great fun.

  2. i had a great time. by the end of the day i knew what i had to do, and was going someway towards being able to do it, but no way near doing it properly !
    7 games in 10 days seems a bit greedy. there’s only one rink in england you know. so on average that’s not many games each.
    unlike you very-northerners !
    you’ve probably got loads of great snow at the moment too ?

  3. Curling games for regular players are like busses – nothing for a week or two, then a whole lot at once. On average, I play once a week from October to March. There are really keen (and good) players who play much more often! Our Curling Club (175 years old this year) is lucky to have a really good ice rink nearby. It is a bit cheaper than the Kent rink at £7.50 a game, and most curlers have their own equipment – brush and slidey shoe.
    Not much snow near Perth, but plenty at the ski resorts. They could really do with a good season, as they have been very short of snow in the past few years. Most resorts have diversified into activities that don’t rely on snow, and are therefore year-round.

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