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April 2005

he’s got the whole wide world in his hands

click for big

it’s not looking good for the big cat

click for big

economic waste management

ideal for economic regulators

city hall stairs (1)

click for big

roman wall and a lamp post

click for big

the anti thames

click for big

cheap haircuts

sign says it all.

click for big

the grimey banks of the thames

click for big
at low tide you can see all sorts of strangeness:

click for big

bent paperclip


barbie sleepover



coffee in a can on railings


F I S H & C H I P S


roland rivron

i walked past a sandwich shop on tottenham court road yesterday morning and who should i see in the window but Roland Rivron. this was where i once saw denis norden
i took this rather poor photo as i passed on the way to another shop
anyway, on the way back from my other shop i saw him in the street waiting to cross the road. i stood next to him and poked him on the arm and asked if i could take a picture of his head. he said yes. here is the evidence:

click for celebrity bigness