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8 thoughts on “mattress”

  1. it was just off Edgware road (near the Maplin shop if you know where that is).
    i think it was gone when i was heading home last night, so you may have missed your chance to retrieve it !

  2. Thanks for the location. With time on my hands and being a bit obsessed by photographing mattresses for I drove to look for it yesterday. I decided to enter the CC zone as it was cheaper than the nearby NCP (£7.50 for 2 hours). The mattress had gone, as you said, but I saw another mattress in Forset St. I couldn’t stop immediately so I turned right to go round the block only to find the one-way Edgware Rd prevented this. So I parked in a meter bay in Stourcliffe St. I had no coins for the meter, but no wardens in sight so I ran back round the corner and took a quick pic, then ran back to the car only to find two wardens ticketing me! I must have been gone just over 2 mins. “It’s done,” said one as I got into the car and fumbled for my keys. As I started the engine he slipped the ticket under my windscreen wiper. £50, plus £5 for the congestion charge. I’m kicking myself for not even finding a meter with some unexpired time. And I thought I was streetwise.

  3. i do hope this was a true story !!!
    and to think you could have put that £55 towards sponsoring me for the marathon (and got tax relief).
    ho hum.
    can you post a link to your profile so we can see your collection ?
    i know a near dead cert place to find mattresses quite near to the location you went to …

  4. Unfortunately, that story is all too true. Here’s the address of my showcase – I call myself Smart Set (oh well!). More mattress photos coming soon…

  5. can you repost the link – seems to have got eaten by my commenting system. you may need to post it without html round it ?
    also i’m really sorry to hear about the financial burden that i have brought to you.
    the place where there is quite often mattresses is Sussex Gardens which is on the other side of the Edgware road from the Maplin shop. You want the North West side of that junction.
    there’s a load of hotels there and they often chuck out their mattresses in to the make-shift car park next to the main road there.
    this time i advise you to walk …

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