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summer’s here

i spotted it. the first ant of 2004.


9 thoughts on “summer’s here”

  1. Am I the only person to feel guilty about killing them? The pesky little creatures have started to excavate the patio – there’s little piles of sand appearing all over the place – and its only a matter of time befoe they start sending out little exploring parties. Does anyone know of an environmentally friendly, kinder way to discourage them or get rid of them?

  2. the Living Rainforest in berkshire had a colony of Ants. but they all died last summer because it got too hot and they couldn’t reproduce.
    so, perhaps try warming their little bodies and see if they’ll stop reproducing ?

  3. Ah yes, we went a couple of weeks ago and they must have had some new ants delivered cos there were lots climbing around their special little display case! Tonight I will try warming them up with my hairdryer and see if it has any effect…

  4. I just realised that the perfect solution is in the first of your London Zoo pics. Wonder if I could ‘borrow’him?!

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