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morning silence

i’m working from home today which usually involves getting up early and trying to put some hours behind me before the family wakes up.
that’s my best working time and it also means i can finish my working day earlier.
sitting wirelessly in our dining room, listing to Air’s Moon Safari very quietly in the background i spot the door stop.
i know that if i pull it back and let it go it will make the most amazing boinging noise and wake the whole family up.
i know that’s a very bad idea, but now i’ve got the idea in my head it’s difficult not to do it …


5 thoughts on “morning silence”

  1. I used to go to a Baptist church where they had those door stoppers on the doors that led into the sanctuary. They really echoed if you pinged them during a service 😉

  2. Tim's dad's Pete's son Tim

    I loved these in our old house. Now we’ve moved and we don’t have any. I think my life is less full because of it.
    Make sure you twang it later!

  3. tim – have you asked your dad’s son’s father whether he’ll pop in to that hardward shop in goodge street on the way home and pick a few up for you ?
    you could put them on your wall and make an art installation.

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