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a happy welcome

i’m usually pretty useless when i arrive home in an evening. my 1hr 45 minutes commute can often be quite miserable (though it’s at least more bearable since i dumped the tube for walking).
the best bit about the commute home is the reaction from esther and kezia when i walk through the door. they are (usually) so excited to see me. it’s a real ego boost.
today they were even waiting at the window, waving down the street as i approached the house.
hoorah for jolly kids !
update: ooops, just in case anyone thought otherwise, hoorah for jolly wives too. especially jane who it goes without saying i’m also very glad to see each evening. it went without saying, so i didn’t say it. but now i have.


4 thoughts on “a happy welcome”

  1. That is very sweet. I have very fond memories of waiting for my odd-job Dad to come home from odd-job work and hoping he would take me for a ride on the handlebars of his push-bike. Very uncomfortable, but a lot of fun!
    Then he bought a moped and we didn’t talk for several years…..

  2. Dave, perhaps you would feel happier coming to work if we waited at the window and waived to you as you came down the street!

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