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a busy busy day

i’ll be here there and everywhere today. hopefully nothing will go pie-shaped.


7 thoughts on “a busy busy day”

  1. Seems to be a day for strange phrases. Someone just told me that he “thinks we are clear of the water now”. Curious.

  2. the english phrase is “everything went pear-shaped” meaning it all went wrong. i decided pie-shaped was better.
    i was at a meeting earlier and someone said something contentious. the reply came back “you are exactly right depending on what you mean”.
    and at another meeting this morning someone else said to me “there’s no point in me doing that because it would be like pouring water on to a dog’s back”.

  3. That might make sense. A wet dog may shake itself dry, thus rendering you damp via the re-dispersion of the recent H20 depositories. ie. you’d get wet back.

  4. Our Man in America

    I was just called on the phone by a supplier, who asked for me by name, and then asked if I was with them (the supplier) or the customer (us of the plum coloured logo.)
    Not a confidence inpsiring start to the new year for that supplier.
    They then proceeded to tell me they needed to do some emergency work in New York, and if that’s alright, even though they’d do it anyway even if it wasn’t.
    I’m wondering if I should have said I was with the supplier.

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