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April 2004

cleaner envy

there was a standoff between the automated cleaner on the right and the pushalong cleaner on the left.
by the time my camera had booted up they were on opposite sides of the road (the pushalong cleaner had pushedalong).
still, a nice street tableau i’m sure you’ll agree.

mini #332

the usual two minis were parked next to each other and this one was just round the corner …

chair envy

this poor chair has been abandoned outside a restaurant. its front legs are missing.
the other chairs sit and laugh from the window of the restaurant. they think they are so prim and proper.
but they too could be so easily cast out in to the street.
but i look again and i see that i was mislead. the chair outside is kneeling and bowing its head in homage to the king and queen chairs through the glass.
it is a scene of respect and not pitty. how wrong i was

summer styles

Marleybone High Street is a very fashionable place, so where better to see what this summer’s fashion is likely to be ?
i just hope this summer is going to be a warm one (the reflection in the window is deliberate so to preserve at least some modesty).

‘a triumph !’

remember this ? well it ended up in a magazine like this (full page on the left and blown up on the right):
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i’ve become nothing more than a commodity. a brand to be bought and sold on ebay. there’ll be taxidermists knocking at my door next.

it’s bin sacked

i was alarmed to see that the cleaners have sacked a bin. what did it do wrong ? or was it simply putting their own jobs at risk by providing a place for people to put their rubbish ?
i just hope that other bins don’t hear about this and start an uprising. where would be without bins ?

milkman gets fridge

it’s been a while since i last reporting on the mad london milkman. with the warmer weather, he’s finally got himself a fridge for the back of his float. and a vacuum flask.
i’m still not convinced he’s totally right for the job.

anniversary celebrations

the funkypancake blog turns one year old on the 16th April 2004 (this friday). so what shall we do to celebrate ? it’s up to you.
if you don’t come up with anything decent i’ll submit you to some of my old songs (like the 6th month anniversary). and then you won’t be happy.
or should we have a junior pop idol contest ? or a lost glove-a-thon ? or a random-misinterpreted-street-sign.
or should i invest in a spellchucker and/or thessorious ? or more dressing up ?
if you are a regular reader or an irregular reader or even just a random picture looker, then send me a photo of yourself and i’ll compile a Readers’ Faces with links back to your blog if you want (a bit like the commenters’ links page)
Send your photos and suggestions to

esther photographises

esther takes photos at Polesden Lacey. At least she did last year.
Here is a family portrait.
(tony please note – i’m smiling in this picture)

guess the animal

we went to Polesden Lacey today. we went last easter too. there was no chalk fire engine this time.
however, there was this funny little animal which popped out of a clump of grass next to where we were having a picnic. it was shaped abit like a mini-squirrel but without the tail and was very jumpy. it was also quite ferret like.
we’ve not a clue what it was. any thoughts ? i managed to get some photos of it as it popped it’s head up. it was quite small and far away, hence the poor resolution:
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update: as sandi spotted, it’s probably a weasel:
here and here
oh dear. but now i’m not sure if it was actually a Stoat.
Apparently, “the stoat is sometimes mistaken for its close relative, the weasel, but it is larger and has a distinctive black tip to its tail, whereas the weasel’s tail is all brown”. we have no tail pictures to investigate. i don’t think i saw black on the tail.
if it were a weasel, perhaps it tricked us

pillow talk

yeah. i get my pillow back tonight.
is it a coincidence that this appeared here today ?
so what did i learn ? not sure.
certainly that i need chocolate more than my pillow (the longest i managed giving up chocolate was 5 days).
i also learnt that if i’m tired enough i’ll sleep with a degree of discomfort.

easter egg hunt #2

we had a second easter egg hunt later in the day:
jane hid one in the lock of the garden shed which seemed a nice idea until it got stuck. oops:

the bar

we had our friends over today. it was tony and his family.
it was nice so we sat in the garden. jane served the drinks through the window. but it didn’t open enough. so people had to stoop to order.


i’ve posted pictures of esther and kezia shifting our guitar gear in and out of church many times before. kezia is really getting in to it now though. in this one she appears to be smoking a fag (it’s actually a white chocolate finger biscuit)

vicars at easter

easter certainly brings out the vicars. we had a really good service at church this morning – it was family service (kids stayed in) and there was a communiion. it was a real celebration of what God, through Jesus, did.
there was also a baptism of one of our friends’ children which added to the fun. they brought their own vicar with them so there were two official vics there.
and then there was matthew, seen here. he’s also a vicar but you wouldn’t know to look at him standing their with his Easter bucks-fizz champagne.
we all stood around pondering the power of the resurrection and the fantastic things that God does whilst drinking champagne and scoffing cake.
bucks fizz and chocolate cake makes a good alternative communion.
at our old church they give out grapes to children in the communion which is a nice idea. they should wrap them in breadcrumbs – that would be even better