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bob you rock


did you know new zealand has waterproof money ?  a brilliant idea. 

and this one even had a little message on – idea if your name was a penguin called bob

money world


have you and your family ever spent a day at money world, the currency-based theme park ?

i’m sure there’s a whole heap of money puns i could put here, but i’m too tired which is no excuse.  and comments are broken still, so that’s rubbish.  sorry.  drop me an email if you can think of any.

i thank you in advance for your sterling efforts. 

come and browse the cash machine


it’s air conditioned.  you should come in and cool down.  and look around.


there’s never been a cashpoint like it.  except the ones in the street which are pretty well air conditioned by the natural convection of air (the wind)

heres to 2009


i’ll not make comments about how society has moved from greedy to needy, but 2009 looks like another exciting year.  hopefully somewhere amongst the financial carnage we can all gain a wider perspective on the fragility of life and what on earth we’re all doing here


kezia’s thought of some new year’s solutions (as she calls them).  solutions sound much better than resolutions !  i’ve got a few of my own but won’t bore you by sharing as funkypancake isn’t that kind of blog.  Although at some point i aim to make commenting on the blog easier !

anyway, i wish you and yours a very happy 2009 and thanks for all your visiting and your numerous fantastical comments.  take care mateys !

it’s the economy stupid


these british piggy banks were in the window of a tourist shop, and i thought they summed up the times quite well.


unstable bank


that’ll be the credit crunch then

royalty – your help needed !

remember elton my old hairdresser (from when i had old hair) from Betty Tigers in Sheffield? well, anyway, he’s a major creative influence and i probably wouldn’t have bothered doing funkypancake if it wasn’t for his approach to just doing stuff even though it makes no sense !
anyway … he needs help for a project he’s working on. he writes:
I am attempting to write a film script at the moment,and in one bit a girl artist produces a portrait of the queen out of stamps,(the stamps are placed,probably by a computer program into the correct order to make a portrait of H.M. from a more distant view!)
Do you know anyone who would be interested in doing this and subsequently being up for receiving a knighthood or something. Love to all Elton
drop him an email via betty tigers if you are interested !
(by the way, i was really happy with how this twenty pound note came out!)

£5 on oxford street

i feel that finding £5 on Oxford Street was a very important find and i should make the most of it ? but how ?