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big organ

esther has gone to stay with my mum this weekend, so we took kezia to the steam rally. we sat in front of this steam organ for 20 minutes waiting for some dancers. The music whilst we were listening was very nice. the dancers when they arrived were a little long in the tooth and it proved to be very disturbing. we went home soon after they started.
here is the 100 year old musical instrument


We British aren’t very good at tanning. Usually we don’t get enough sun to make it worth going for a proper tan. This year’s extreme weather has caught most of us by surprise. 35.6%C today apparently. But it’s placed us Brits in a fully position of having a decent pre-tan on our arms, but a white body underneath.
This man, heavily bearded, chose that now was the time to reveal his hidden self, giving a negative T-shirt effect. I think it works for him though.

topless women go free

It good to know that the word is a better place and that middle class England has moved on from the smut filled sexist 70s.
We went to the Knowl Hill Steam Fair today and they had a fair there. There was one ride where people sat in a row and got thrown all over the place.
The sign on the door revealed a particularly special offer
Whilst we were there all the riders were payers

(girl) guide dogs

I’ve heard of local restaurants catching cats, dogs etc to cook and serve to unsuspecting customers. I hadn’t heard of ‘girl guide hot dogs’ before
note: I’ve put this in the ‘signs of dogs’ category as it is a sign of a (hot) dog.
( not to be confused with guide dogs )

crash point

my local cashpojnt had crashed with a windows-like error message reading:
Withdrawal Flow
Run time error ’91’
Object variable on With block variable not set

flash mobs

there was a flash mob 10 seconds walk from my office on Thursday evening and I missed it 🙁
i like the idea of flashmobs a lot, but some of their randomness/obvciousness is taken away by the very fact they consist of lots of people all doing the same random thing at once.
i much prefer a random list of instructions where individuals go and do their own private mobbing independently, possibly reporting back to a central point. It seems much more surreal for dozens of unconnected people to wander in to their local supermarket and ask for a bag of loagy-beads (made up thing) all on the same day, all around the world. no-one locally would be any the wiser.
I have been (unwittingly) trying to do this with my Instructions For The Week category.
I was inspired by an exhibition at the Royal Festival Hall foyer a few years ago which was about the Fluxus movement
I may consider a new blog to concentrate on this. What do you think ?


I saw this in the gutter. We don’t know who dropped it, so we are unable to say if it is a lover’s tif

this frame

found on the floor:
“This frame is re-stained and the perspect clean (no need to unwrap)”

tiny Bible (big God)

i walked past a Christian bookshop this afternoon and saw this Teeny Weeny Bible (it was about a centimetre square). I’m one of those people who believe that the Bible is true ie it contains God’s word (I would call myself a Christian).
i find the concept of a Tiny Bible quite interesting however and it’s good to see Christians are keeping up with the current trend for miniaturisation. i want my mini-communion too please.


concorde is stopping flying soon. it’s sad because it’s a beautiful plane and gets you to america quickly (if you can afford it). On the down side it flies over our house twice a day and is INCREDIBLY noisey. the sound certainly won’t be missed.
here is a photo i took of it this evening as it went over

tacky nails

these nails were all over the rails. they are clippy naily things for attaching wires to walls etc. i thought they looked nice in a randomly spread kind of way

a quiet drink

it’s impossible to have a quiet drink in a london pub. here is a man minding his own business, whilst being stalked by the paparazzi.
who is he ? dunno. no one famous i think (i didn’t recognise him). probably a local news program “man drinks alcohol in pub – we have exclusive footage”



CAKES (renamed) old lady = cakes

it’s sara’s brithday tomorrow so she has brought some cakes today. cake eating in the office is good.
I used to work for an organisation which would shut down for 15 minutes every morning and the whole company would go to a common room and drink tea. they would do the same in the afternoon and drink coffee. it had a really cool laid back atmosphere. they also used to have a company meeting once a week where people prayed for the work of the organisation.
it was over 13 years ago I worked for UCCF. maybe the tea/coffee breaks are gone now ?

least helpful thing of the day

ooops. i accidentally sent an email entitled “mad french people” to the MD of one of my company’s european subsidiary.
The email was an invitation to go see LesGrooms at lunchtime. i suspect he won’t fly over to the UK for that particular treat.
my advice to you today is to send your most random email to a senior member of staff in your organisation. To enhance the effect, send to someone who lives in another country/culture who you have never met

blooming chocolate

currently, it is acknowledged, we are experience extreme weather conditions. in the uk (and loads of other places) it’s really hot. every one has some advice to give about how best to stay cool / act sensibly in hot weather.
My advice is simply this: protect your chocolate.
Treat your chocolate right and you’ll have no problems in this weather. Dare to expose it to temperature fluctuations and you may suffer from Sugar or Fat Bloom. No one wants that.

miles of smiles

I was delighted to find some photo bits on my way in to work this morning (after seeing Hugh Grant). The bits were spread over about 100 metres, all along Tottenham Street. The first two bits I found were the two smiling mouths.

dead bird

I spotted this bird at the train station this morning. I could just see its legs poking over the top of the rails. Looked a bit comedy so I took a photo