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the muffin man of drury lane

have you seen the muffin man that lives on dury lane ? here is a shop which sells muffins and is based in dury lane.

the clown bus

this bus looks like its been built using the same technology as circus clowns’ cars.

man in chalk square

this man has drawn a square around himself in chalk using a ruler. he looks set for the duration (whatever that means). in life we all put up barriers.
i may pop back later and see what has developed …


here are a number of different softdrink cans on a parking meter

a row of cigars

this morning i saw a neat row of unopened cigars on the pavement:
here are the individual cigars:



washing machine

upsway down washing machine with its guts ripped out.

dog poo laws

you may wonder about the legality of signs which threaten fines for dog fouling, and more importantly who gets to keep the money. here’s the answer travelling through UK parliament at the moment:
Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs Bill
I was watching Open All Hours last night.
a customer entered the shop having recently stood in some dog poo. He said “I blame the owners”.
The Ronnie Barker character responded “I agree … and the dogs”


keep an ordered note of all typologies. be sure to categorise them appropriately.


an old favourite find this morning: a fridge
it’s length fitted exactly the width of the raised pavement it was resting on. sort of makes you feel it was meant to be left there don’t you think ?

meat street

i walked a different route to work today. i didn’t much care for it. it took about 5 minutes longer, but that may have been due my hesitation at traffic crossings due to my lack of familiarisation with the road layout.
on the way I saw these bits of meat:
you don’t want to leave meat outside even on cold days. leaving it out on very hot days is asking for trouble. i particularly disliked the bits on the right of the picture:

a seam of gloves

on the way home this evening I walked past the waste disposal part of the Middlesex Hospital. For the discarded gloves spotter, this is a rich seam.
this first photo shows about 6 pairs of gloves spread over the floor (esp the top left of this photo)
this glove was also there, slightly out of the shot above

aircon song

you have to feel sorry for the machines in this weather. people and animals can have a drink and cool down. if you are a machine you are simply a slave to your environment. especially if your job is to cool the environment.
the aircon in the building is having a very bad day today. Here is a small snippet of some of the sounds it is producing this morning:
Download wav file (25KB) It sounds rather poorly. aw bless.
update: what it actually sounds like is a deep fat fryer

three chairs

this morning i saw three chairs:
one burnt (the hot seat)
one stool
one comfy

another hot day

it’s very hot again today. Heathrow which is just a few miles away broke the 100F mark – a UK first.
we had a BBQ with Phil, Sally, Alan and Ann. I managed to get the cooking right this time
kezia stayed cool in her hat, sunglasses and obligatory water bottle
later she realised it was better if she sat in the pool and people poored water on her from a watering can:

apple tree at night

we had our friends andy and gill round for tea last night. candlelit meal in the backgarden. my feet got bitten lots, but i didn’t realise until this morning.
I entertained annoyed our guest by using the night time setting on my camera to take lots of photos. none came out except this one which is a shot looking directly up at our apple tree. It was illuminated by candle light hence the weird colours