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my brother in law

i went to two pubs with my brother in law (b-i-l)this evening. you know, the one who likes to raise his toilets a couple of inches (with a jack-see). anyway, we were talking and all of a sudden a giant bright blue starfish threw itself off the top of the coral reef in our local pub. incredible thing. b-i-l looked round, but the starfish had already landed so there was nothing to see. but i had witnessed something beautiful.

my new image

i have developed a new chic. it’s basically a floppy hat and hippy jacket. worked for a week in the rain. i’ll probably abandon the look now.

Holiday Club finished

after a week of top notch kids entertainment, the church holiday club is over. we had a BBQ this evening and I got to play in the band in the great outside. It rained, but only after we had finished.
highligh of the week for me was when a leader explained that prayer was like a mobile phone in that we can talk to God at any time and he’s always ready to listen. “Of course God hasn’t really got a mobile telephone”
“good job” said a 5 year old, “cuz I don’t know his number”
“you should ask my mum” said another young child “she keeps all her important numbers in a book”
kids are great. and God is a great big God. (so the song goes).

it’s my birthday

turns out I was 31 today. what a shocker.
the day started early at 5.30 with an encounter with a giant spider. i trapped him and threw him out of the window but he was so huge he stuck to the window like some giant suckery-spider thing. yuckerooney.
do i feel different now i’m 31. no. life doesn’t work like that. in the same way that a tree doesn’t know it’s christmas day so doesn’t do anything different. my lawn looks the same on 24th Dec as it does on 25th Dec . We just stamped time on to the world, we can’t expect things to respond likewisely back.

icecream van

another afternoon working from home. not sure if I’d want to work from home all the time. got lots done today because the house is empty, but it does mean you go a bit mad.
the silence was broken by an ice-cream van driving by. It was playing a souped up version of Popeye The Sailor Man and looked very modern. I was too slow with my recording device to catch the tune for you.
I once heard of a girl who’s parents told her that when an Ice Cream van played its tune it meant that it had run out of lollies and ice creams.
a fantastic parent lie. i think it’s a fair response.

Read More »icecream van


drummers are funny people. but everyone knows that. here is the holiday club drummer.
bass players and drummers have to be telepathetic … he’s got a telly and i’m pathetic. [joke to be removed by quality control at a later date].
drummist copy.jpg

top of the pops

this concerns me. what will they do to Top Of The Pops ? Is Andy Peters the right man for the job. why does anyone still listen to veteran DJ DLT aka the Hairy Cornflake. why can’t they just leave stuff alone

british trains are rubbish

british trains are expensive, but at least you get punctuality, airconditioning and courtious staff.
one thing your ticket price doesn’t include is the cost of litter bins. the world of terrorism has a lot to answer for. in the end i did something i don’t normally do. i put my rubbish on the floor.
here is the rubbish, which represented over £6 worth of Virgin Trains catering fodder:


i was sent to coventry today. whilst there some men demonstrated the future of telephones (it’s much like the present with telephones, only you get some video as well and you can see who is phoning on your TV). my two colleagues and I were joined by a Saudi Princess for the presentation, which was nice. she didn’t say anything, but that’s what being sent to coventry entails.

things that happen in the night

my ear is still giving me jip which means I didn’t sleep very well (at all) last night. lieing awake at night is a weird thing, especially with two children in the house. esther had a nightmare at one point so i went through to see her (she was ok and just went back to sleep).
But the funniest thing of all was Kezia who woke up between 1am and 2.30am and was highly animated in her speech. She tried a dozen different ways of saying ‘Mummy’ and then a dozen ways of saying ‘Daddy’. When that failed to get a reaction she sang a note perfect ‘Happy Birthday to you’ to Esther. I was really impressed. During the day she doesn’t say half as many things.
I’m sure she also said “yes please” a few times whilst chatting to herself.

normal sky in the morning

well, here I am 24 hours later and this morning the sunrise isn’t red. normal sky in the morning, shepherds yawning. you can tell a lot about the weather by looking at it. that’s how the weather pixie works.

dave plays bass

proof of appearance. note the cotton wool in ear. i am completely deaf in that ear at the moment, so i have been playing my bass guitar in mono.
i’m near the middle with my hat on – sitting on my bass amp so i can feel the notes as i can’t really hear them.


the tent where dave plays:
the tent where jane plays (note how hers is more open plan):