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June 2006

wellplace zoo

what other zoo has a hub cap collection ?
and a phone box full of old boxes so you can’t get in ?
or guinea pigs running around the feet of fibre glass mammoths ?

the end of wellplace zoo

we’ve been going to the funny little place called ‘wellplace zoo‘ for over 10 years i think. certainly before we had kids. and so i was saddened (but probaby not that surprised if i think about it) that it’s shutting down in September.
it looks like we’re too late to reserve any of the animals, but there’s some other stuff going if you’re interested. Ever fancied the zoo’s giant dinosaurs, or wooden bears.
the thing i’m going to miss most is the fantastic zoo museum with it’s curiously crusty mannequins and stuffed animals (nothing is ever wasted). i took a few final shots in case we don’t go back before it finishes, so watch out for their photos in the next few weeks


stencil writting

i was delighted to see this sign which has been prepared using an old fashioned letter stencil thing.
it doesn’t look that great to modern eyes used to computer generated text but it must have taken ages to make. well done to them i say.

bikes are being removed

you can’t say i haven’t been warning you ! police are actively removing bikes.
and as an example, here’s another no bikes sign

exams for woodworms

i would have thought a book worm would be more likely to have an exam than a woodworm. it’s political correctness gone mad.

stop the noise

this chap was measuring the noise on Park Lane coming from the sound check on the main stage in Hyde Park.
and here is the entrance fence. Ready for the Foo Fighters tomorrow i think.

new style watering can

i’ve spotted quite a few of these new shape watering cans recently. perhaps it’s something to do with this monsoon drought we’re in at the moment.