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June 2006

high dog poo sign

now this is an interesting dog poo sign as it shows someone about to step in one. which is a nice graphic reminder of why cleaning up poo is a good plan.
this sign was stuck high up a wall which meant you couldn’t look at it and see where you are putting your feet, which is a shame as you are more likely to stand in some canine plop that way i would have thought. oh well.


they are setting up for gigs in hyde park by constructing giant walls across where i’d normally walk, which is a shame


this dry cleaners is excited because it’s 25 years old and is having lots of 25 related bargains.
however, i’m a bit confused, as it proclaims 25% off, but also £25. And it seems to be suggesting they’ve got a selection of services including 25 hours, 25 days, 25 weeks, 25 months, 25 years. I can see the 25 hours service being popular (although plenty of other places do cleaning in fewer hours), but a 25 week service ? why ?

regent park roses
i had a meeting near Regents Park yesterday morning so walked there through the drizzle and passed a huge load of roses
they were everywhere and smelt quite pleasant
