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more minis

i saw the minis again this morning. they’ve got unique numbers on. today’s were 33 and 265. let’s see if we can find all 350.

the fight against terrorism #1

we’re all on heightened alert. firemen are practicing their worst case scenarios (with dogs) in abandoned tube stations.
they announced on my train on monday that we should all keep our hand luggage near us to prevent terrorism. on tuesday they said we should keep our hand luggage by us so no-one stole it (you obviously can’t trust a terrorist).
they even shut paddington station for an hour yesterday morning as they found a suspicious package, which eventually exploded (because the police blew it up – it wasn’t a bomb)
so what would today bring in the fight against terrorism ? razor blades. what ? yes, complimentary razors for anyone of shaving age (and gender) walking through paddington station.
so at least if an attack comes we are all armed to fight back.
on a comedy related theme, i went to a very high security government building for a meeting this morning. i put all my valuables (camera, pedometer etc) in my bag before i arrived so they could all go throught the x-ray machine.

uniquely the same

here is a designer unique mini. and it’s designer unique mini twin. there’s another one in an adjacent street, but i would have had to move a few houses to get all three in the same shot. so i didn’t.

fire test

last time i saw this place it was not covered in firemen. today it was.
they were having a training exercise. it involved dogs at some point. i know this because a sign told me.
i was a bit confused at first because i ended up walking through the middle of the firemen on the wrong side of the security tape ! i then went round and back to the other side of the road to take this photo. this no doubt aroused many suspicions of suspicious behaviour.

too far

my old tube season ticket used to let me go anywhere. nowadays i walk most places so i just buy tickets as i need them. the cheapest way for me is to buy a Carnet of tickets which works out as 10 tickets for £15.
However, i forgot that these tickets only cover zone 1. so my cunning plan to stay on an extra stop and get off a whitechapel instead of aldgate east backfired when my ticket wouldn’t work to get me out of the station.
i could have paid to be released, but resented that so went back one stop and got off at the proper station. so sorry, but i haven’t got lovely pictures of lovely things this morning.
but i did take this picture of a clock at Whitechapel tube station. i’ve been thinking a lot about analogue and digital clocks this morning. they are very different beasts. perhaps i’ll tell you about it sometime.
oh, and to the person who phoned our house at 2am this morning from a mobile phone. please don’t do that again. it’s made us very tired today.

toys on lorries

it’s quite common to see kids’ soft toys stuck to the front of dustbin lorries. i suspect this must traumatise some kids – especially if it was their old favourite toy which was stuck on there.
teddy bears were never designed for the outside life and rapidly become brown soggy blobs of fluff through all the heavy street wear. they so provide a nice contrast to the bin men who put them there though. it proves these most menly of men (you rarely see bin ladies) still keep in touch with their femine side.
i may mention this next time i see such a bin lorry. but i may not.
this collection of teddys, dolls and union jacks was on a delivery van. i hope this craze will spread to all modes of transport, and not only restrict itself to commercial vehicles.


my local train station foot bridge has been painted blue. it looked and smelt lovely this morning. please enjoy it with me.

flourescent vans

drain unblocking vans are always brightly coloured. but why ? i went down and knocked on the window of this van and asked the chap inside.
unfortunately he was incomprehensible but i think he said “it’s management’s idea. our senior management are women aren’t they ?” i said i didn’t know and left it at that.
possibly it’s something of a backlash against their engineers being constantly covered in brown yuckyness ?

big mouthed train passengers

the misery of the modern commutter is sound waves. the noise of squealing wheels and brakes, and modern man speaking on his wires free eletrical telephones and magical musical listening lanterns.
i looked out my train window this afternoon and saw a train with a particularly wide mouthed occupant.


at what point in life do you not get excited when fire engines come whizzing down your street ? it’s the noise and the colours. red fire engines and yellow hats look so good together.

moles ?

this puzzled me. has someone travelled to work by dirt ?
or has someone stolen a car by digging underneath it and pulling it down a hole ?
or is this a giant cat poo from the giant cat which lives in london ?

undercover police bike ?

this bike as a long tube sticking up in the air on its rack at the back. it reminds me of one of those kids training bikes with a handle on the back. or a dodgem car. perhaps bikes are powered by overhead electricity lines in these modern days.
or maybe it’s an undercover police bike and the tube conceals the various aerials and communication paraphanalia [no ‘e’s for me].

lost station

the lost underground station at The Strand.

car on top of the world

i love this picture. it was at the highest point of our cliff walk. and it was just there, all silver and unmarked in the middle of field. it contained a man eating a sandwich.
it’s obviously a space ship.

the wrong van

there’s a recording studio for one of the major record labels near my office. often large lorries full of orchestral instruments get loaded and unloaded outside their doors.
just now there was a tesco’s lorry parked up and it got me thinking, what if no-one noticed it was the wrong lorry. the musicians would be playing empty joghurt pots and shaking bags of pasta shapes along to the beat.
there’s plenty of room for a whole concept album. i’m also sure there is a host a supermarket/music puns you could insert here.
more generally, wouldn’t it be excellent if all the lorries that travelled the country all got mixed up and people had to work through the consequences.
if only i were a lorry driver. i’d have some real fun.