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tony (not big eye) was embarrassed that i wore my cracker hat on a walk in the park, so he took this picture. he’d given me the hat (as a present in a cracker which was provided), so i think he’s only got himself to blame.
(by the way, i’m blowing my cheeks out here – my face isn’t usually quite this deformed)

caffeine drinks with the cafe expert

i had coke/coffee with Russell yesterday. I’m pleased my camera came out in this photo, as it’s on its last few outings before i get a replacement (assuming i’ve been good all year)
you can see this on his blog here. his funky photographical contraption is most excellent.

things i can only tell you …

well, so much has been happening that i haven’t caught on camera.
yesterday i spen the day with MPs and other industry good-bods at Portcullis House then a drinks reception at Number 11 downing street (just downstairs from where Tony lives – in fact we heard his kid running about).
of course modern security means you can’t take photos etc which is how it should be.
hot-topic blunkett walked past whilst i was in portcullis house, but i suppose it is his office.
and i bumped in to Moira Stewart again close up in the street. i asked her if i could take her photo and she said “oh please don’t” so i didn’t but then we had to walk down the same small bit of street together for 20 seconds. just as we parted company she looked me in the eye and said “thank you very much for asking, i really appreciate that, have a good day”. so i pass that on to you dear reader.

happy birthday to me
it’s my birthday today, but since i’m home alone at the moment, we had a birthday cake yesterday. here’s a self portrait i took whilst nearly dropping the camera in my cake.

me and guitar
someone pointed out that i don’t appear much on the blog, so here i am playing my bass guitar standing at a slightly odd angle. (thanks to peter for the band photos today)

date a meat-hater

i’m not a vegatarian. but if i was (and wasn’t married) i’d be interested in taking a vegetarian out for just £3.


me skiiing
this is a self portrait i took whilst sliding along. the camera was upsway down, rather than me (at this time)
the only sport i do is walking. and that’s not particularly sporty. but when i was off at the winter olympics i got to have a go at skiing
look how relaxed and natural i looked whilst moving slowly on two pointy flat sticks
here is the steepest incline i went down. i nearly dissappeared off down that dip to the right at one point, but managed to catch hold of the rope to stop myself.
i had a great time though and would consider going on a ski holiday. so there.


i am 400 today !
today i am 400 (in months).
that’s 33 and third in years. 33 and a third is of course the speed of a long playing record and i am therefore a long player and i’m now old.
(thanks to tony for the photo)

box boy

i found this great box in our garage and decorated it with a nice smiley face to greet paul and liz at our front door. i used to share a house with paul when we were at university and such japes were common place.
unfortunately i ran up stairs with it on my head to surprise esther who was trying to go to sleep and stubbed my toe and made it bleed.
see how i suffer for my art.

my 1000th 400th birthday

on the 1st December 2005 i shall be 1000 400 (measured in months from my birth). i think that’s quite exciting.
but how should i celebrate the occasion on the blog ? i think i need to start preparing now, so all suggestions greatly received ! something participative which involved you the reader would be good too.
have a think and let me know
my friend paul (an accountant) has pointed out that i’ll actually be 400 months old not 1000 ! oops. i’m sure i’m 1000 somethings though. i need a new battery for my mental calculator.
but, as paul points out, it’s still worth celebrating a 400th birthday.

me at the reading festival

here i am with my festival hat shortly before i left. i only really saw Dinosaur Juniorand the Charlatans today before i ran out of energy and went home ! We’ve got other things planned for today so that’s probably it for me and Reading 2005.
but you can watch some of the bands here for the next 30 days.