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exciting weekend

it’s an exciting weekend ! not only is it a bank holiday, meaning a lucky bonus day off work, but it’s the Reading Festival weekend. Jane and I are going for the day tomorrow.
it’s also exciting as i’m entering my first photo competition (hence the trip to Swallowfield earlier in the week). it’s at the Swallowfield Show see. Go to the site and enjoy the music !
i’ve entered 7 different categories, but had only 5 photos at the beginning of the week. so i had to take and print the last two this evening (they have to go to be displayed tomorrow).
Here is one of my last minute photos. i hope the judges are surrealists …
judging happens Sunday, but we aren’t going until Monday so I’ll find out what happened then. gulperama.

strange hat

one benefit of working from home is instant access to the day’s post.
i was sent this piece of headjoy from some friends in the north. they said it’s all the rage in Italy. i put it on to demonstrate. i had to take the photos myself as there is no one else in the house at the moment !
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once i had got the thing on:

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nothing interesting to say

when you have nothing to say, should you just shut up, or tell people you have nothing to say.
macaroon macaroon macaroon

pigeon parking

have you ever tried to park a pigeon ? here are two double parked in a nice parking space. they were reserving it i suspect

rubbish chairs

i saw two chairs on my way home this evening:
this chair doubles up as a laser printer holder:
and there were two very posh chairs (and a nice table, and a naff table) left here:

flog your old stuff

i’m looking to sell some old theatre programs from the 1930s onwards. i went to charing cross road to see if anyone was interested. cecil court is the street for speciality bookshops.
i found a shop which was full of theatre programs. it was full because he had bought lots and not sold lots. as a result he wasn’t able/willing to buy any more.
he recommended adverts in the back of stage magazine. i also found this site:
Antiques UK

photo bits

here is a lost photo. it’s wripped up and over some railings so i couldn’t reach it. there was also a very strong smell of urine which put me off retreaving the pieces. nearly all the bits are face down so I couldn’t see what the photo was of. oh well.


two failed congestion charging busting devices this morning:
jack knifed trolley. nicely parked up in an alloted parking space. hope they paid the meter
and here on some wooden trolley bits which was obviously such a failure it had been dumped in the bin

elastic bands

i saw at least 20 elastic bands in various places on my walk to work this morning. i was deliberately looking out for them following a comment added to an old post where i mentioned i had seen elastic bands.
Here are three of the many bands. perhaps the mysterons from thunderbirds were actually elastic bands ?

a word to shout

on the way home tonight shout “macaroon macaroon macaroon” three times everytime you see a bald man.
if you are at home, turn the telly on, open the window and play the same game, shouting out the window every time you see a bald man.
if anyone presents you with a macaroon biscuit as a result of your proclamations, don’t trust them.

118 – it’s official

i posted my experience of using a couple of the new directory enquiries numbers last night.
imagine my surprise when I saw the headline of the Daily Mail this morning in the newsagents:
“118 the great phones fiasco” which refers to the new DQ services !
Where this blog leads, the popular media will follow.

filming in charlotte street

they are filming some movie near my office this morning. very exciting. i didn’t ask who was in it or what the film was. here is a picture from the street

deepest darkest berkshire

it dawned on me this evening that my life doesn’t really get dark anymore. i don’t know if it ever did get dark even. everywhere i go is surrounded by either daylight (thanks to the sun) or streetlights (thanks to the local authorities).

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The key is consistency. Let consistency unlock the door