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who’s bin moving it ?

this bin moves around a fair bit. yesterday it was by a bollard further down the street. today it’s in the middle of the street.
i find this very interesting and will try and keep an eye on it for you.

found things

a double finder this evening. firstly i saw an abandoned jacket on my tube train so i reported it to a guard as i thought it could be considered a ‘suspect package’.
the guard wasn’t that bothered and just picked it up and swung it over his shoulder, which isn’t the best way of diffusing a potentially terrorist situation. but at least then we knew it was’t a bomb.
then, when i got to Paddington station i found these glasses on the platform. i picked them up and took them to a guard, who, guess what, wasn’t that bothered. he tried to give them back to me. i said “they’re not mine, i just found them” but he wasn’t convinces, so I ran off to get my train.

thunder storm

there was a great thunder storm this afternoon when i was in a meeting. i took this photo a couple of minutes before whilst the clouds were gathering.

great at faces

they are doing up the whole area round St Pauls and it looks great (it’ll look even better when they’ve finished sandblasting the cathedral itself).
i noticed today that they’ve put up these heads on sticks.
the sculpturer is great at faces, but is lacking when it comes to hats and bodies.
or perhaps they are people with really long knecks and their bodies are underground ? if you go down to St Paul’s tube station you can see their feet dangling through the tunnel ceilings. possibly.
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ludgate house

i worked near this clock for 3 years but never spotted it. funny how time sometimes passes by without us noticing.

glove and st pauls

this wasn’t actually an abandoned glove, but it was nicely positioned for a photo with St Paul’s in the background.

nothing’s on

this theatre is proudly advertising nothing. all it’s advertising had been painted black. but they still had all the fancy light bulbs illuminating it.

a note from elton

i just received the following from my friend elton:
just a note to say, if you put a convex mirror in the corner of your lounge, you can get the reality T.V. experience without electricity or licence fee!(you can have an argument with yourself, whilst you drink tea, and look around the room at the same time!) love to all.
P.S. the mirror could be used for games if you can think of any!


esther grows up

it’s esther’s first day at school today:
and here’s a sad jane and kezia:
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more pants

following the huge popularity of my pants last week, here are some new pants. i bought these in Reading on saturday for £3.50. they are cream and brown and made of a very unpleasant towelling material.
you can almost taste the quality.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time: Adult Edition

read this book. it is MOST excellent.
i accidentally read the adult version which has got a more cartoony cover instead of the kids version which has an old people’s boring cover. i suspect the kids version has the swearing taken out.
it’s one of the best books i’ve read in a very long time. here is my copy with it’s half price sticker on it.

paper millinery

it was raining so esther and kezia made some hats. they are made of paper. and so were the hats.
esther’s hat is actually a paper canoe, whilst kezia went for the simple chef’s hat .
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lovely lunch

we were invited for lunch round at rachel’s house today after church, along with our friends clive and heather. it was very relaxing and the food was great.
here are esther and kezia with Rachel doing some plo-doh (as kezia calls it):
and here is clive playing with some nails:
and heather with kezia:

nut muesli

here is my usual breakfast – nut muesli. i’ve tried to seperate the different nuts in to their own sections for your enjoyment.