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the milkman now has a telly, a bar stool and an exercise rowing machine on the back of his float. something for every occasion.

len’s lense

since that miracle eye-sight cure was launched a few days ago people have been abandoning glasses and lenses everywhere.

page 151

another sign pointing to the illusive platform 9

puddle dog

it’s been a day for finding odd shapes that look like other things. there was the wombat this morning and now here’s a little dog made out of wet pavement i saw when i finally made it back home.

pages 05 and 79

one advantage of having a bonus two hours in paddington was spotting two new numbered signs
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trapped in paddington

ho hum. there’s been a security scare at a station outside london this evening so there are no trains from paddington station at the moment going home for me. so i’m trapped with only a free wifi connection and a carton of ribena for company.
it’s great for people spotting though. i just bumped in to an ex-colleague i haven’t seen for nearly 10 years.
here is a picture of lots of people from my lofty pirch. it doesn’t really convey the chaos down there at the moment:

customer retention

we always put our customers first (except when there’s a fire)

chair park

i like to spot chairs. and cupboards. and here both are chained together.
a cupboard with castors can make an ideal urban vehicle.

bin update

a slight movement closer to the road since yesterday. i hope this isn’t a suicide attempt.

nice weather for ducks in a row

here are some ducks in a row at paddington station:
and here is an escapee a few miles away near Harley Street. it’s nice weather for ducks today so it should be ok:

page 123

just when i thought i wasn’t going to see any more numbered signs in paddington station i saw this. it’s page 123.


i thought the purpose of a census was to extract information on members of society so we all know where and who we are. when it happens everyone has to take part else it’s not a proper census.
it’s certainly not the case that we are all doing our own census and can pop in if we want to ask our own questions as is implied by this sign.
i didn’t require a census so i walked a different way (i hobbled)

reclaiming the streets

here is a sign in a tunnel. i assume it was put up by the street people who live in it. they were probably annoyed by all the tourists chatting whilst they were asleep in their cardboard boxes.
“shush. tramps sleeping” would have worked better

celebrities were here

these wires on are the south bank near the ITV studios. when i worked at a previous place i walked past this space every morning and enjoyed the occasional glimpse of GMTV being presented al fresco.
i once saw dale winton and loraine kelly you know.
it’s well known that celebrities don’t operate correctly unless they are literally wired in to a television studio. these wires indicated to me that there had been some celebrity interest at a point earlier in the day and i had missed it.
oh well.

overhead tunnels to beat gravitational disimularities

london is a higgledepiggldy place. it’s not uncommon to find two building next to each other with a random overhead tunnel connecting them. often these walkways are angled up or down to reflect the different levels of floor heights in the adjacent building.
but what if one building is built at 90 degrees to another ? what if one building has gravity working downwards, but the one next to it has gravity working sideways ?
well, the answer is to have an overhead tunnel with a rotation slightly built in.
if you come to london you really should track this amazing gravitational altering device out. It’s in Covernt Garden next to some theatre.