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December 2005

the school post box

did your school have an internal post system at christmas ? mine did, and so has esther’s (and kezia’s preschool, but she thinks it’s a lucky dip).
it’s more preparation for office life where the internal post quickly becomes the infernal post. but that excitement for me never wears thin.
what’s the most random thing you’ve ever sent my your company internal post ?

esther is an angel

it was esther’s first school nativity play yesterday afternoon and it was fantastic !
after the play finished there were photo opportunities for each part of the cast and the angels were last which is why the stage looks a bit empty. here they are running off

goodbye old friend
today is the last day the old routemaster buses run on proper bus routes which is a shame. yesterday, to celebrate, a whole load of old routemasters were brought out of retirement to drive down the last remaining route. the ones i saw were a little bashed up and graffiti’d like this one (it was very wonky at the back).

island hopping in central london

i discovered an island yesterday. i suspect someone found it before me (and put this sign up) but i thought i’d go exploring and consider if it was the kind of place i’d like to live
it contained one small mountain and a number of trees
looking the other way it was clear to see that it was a long thin island separated from the main land by two busy roads. it was nice to see a bollard was already nesting here so i felt quite at home
the view westwards was a little disappointing. instead of a vast expanse of sea, all i could see was a BMW garage and a bendy bus
on the way back i spotted this treasure map. the photos above were taken at location 6 – the strangely unmarked island.
norman is an island apparently.

xmas lunch #1

i had my first christmas lunch yesterday. here is some of it.

some people up to something

here are some people up to something. news as it happens. that’s the beauty of blogging.