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December 2005


here is richard with his camera, which is better than mine. i took this photo whilst learning how to take better, sharper photos. i like how i completely failed on this particular picture.
here’s a picture of richard from the summer using his fancy 20D with its equally fancy lense


the difference between pain and paint is ‘t’ which is why british people love to drink tea in times of trauma.


kezia spotted this body stashed under a row of work shirts in a traditional british clothing shop. she said it must be a man as it had no hair (although it did have makeup).
i pointed out that mannequins often wear wigs and both her and esther were shocked. so we spent most of the rest of the morning looking for wigged mannequins in shop windows.
not a bad way to spend a morning.


we had our lovely friends to stay last night and so had a raclette. most agreeable.


if this were a proper blog i’d talk about how watching kezia at a disco party this afternoon was a strange experience as i don’t often see her playing with her contemporaries (what with being at work and everything), and how i watched to see if she was a leader or a follower etc and how i thought such parties might go for her in 15 years time.
but it’s not, so let me point out the toddler in his baby walker zooming about between the manic 3 and 7 year olds with minimum effort because of the very slippery floor

christmas shopping

what can be more christmassy than the sally army band playing their brass carols ? vid here


this sign just about summed up my trip to brussels. i think the chap here is holding a big pile of chips. either that or his posterior has exploded.

the sound of the escalator

this is an escalator near the hotel where i stayed in brussels. here’s a video of it. listen to the sound it’s making.
doesn’t the beat remind you of Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega (from 99.9F)? It did me, so much so i’ve downloaded the best of Suzanne Vega to revise some of her songs.
actually, now i listen to the song and the video, the link is quite tenuous, but at the time it worked.

the end game

i passed this butchers on thursday morning and it was amazing. hundreds of dangling turkeys all around the roofs and walls.
it’s called allen & co and is very famous. definately worth a visit to gaze through the window at this time of year. you can imagine things haven’t changed for hundreds of years

stella mccartney

here is stella mccartney’s shop with its rather mad xmas lights (which were switched on when i went by at 9am). i saw stella mccartney on a bike in tottenham court road about a year ago and forgot all about it until i saw a picture of her on a bike earlier this week. so there.