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August 2005

not quite right

this is a very strange sign. inspect in more detail and we see the cyclist has only one arm, no feet and is cycling up a river.

desktop carpet

you can use this picture for your computer desktop if you like. it’s the carpet from our holiday flat, which is the same as in my grandma’s house when i was a nipper.
as always, click pics for big version. this one is desktop sized if you want it !

outside livers

the sun hadn’t risen by the time i left the house. a sure sign winter is on the way. getting to london early is great though as there’s hardly anyone about.
one place i always see people is in this church entrance. outside-livers (‘tramps’ doesn’t sound right) spend the night there and are often waking up to a new day as i walk past.

yesterday i noticed they’d even constructed a cardboard wall to create a private bed area. the white socks resting on the top particularly appealed.

earlier this week they had their newspapers delivered too i noticed. a pile of big issues turned up on a lorry for them to sell

man’s continued evolution – the shopping trolley

i love trollies, especially when they are far from home. i hadn’t realised there were just so many different types available.
here is a trolley menu for your parusal.
someone should invent trolley top-trumps. It could have categories such as cubic capacity, seating capacity, steerability, height and wheelchair attachability.

herbie in henley

i suspect this is an imposter. i spent ages talking to it but it wouldn’t even wink its lights.

police cheque

here is a police lady parked up in the bus lane getting some money out of the bank.
which reminds me of my very first joke i ever made up:

why do they call policemen ‘coppers’ ?
because the change is good as arrest

pre-prepared passport photos

what a great time saving idea – this photo shop has a selection of pre-prepared photos in its window to save you having to wait !

see davescollections for more lost/found photos

a shoe on the bonnet

remember the car with the shoe ? i said it was no place for a shoe, but commenter jokey disagreed.
i therefore give you this as further evidence. the shoe has now slipped down on to the bonnet.

cars just don’t get it. they have wheels, not feet. it’s no wonder things go wrong when they attempt tricks with shoes. it’s just showing off. plain and simple.