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July 2005

esther’s birthday party

esther turned 6 on saturday and had her party yesterday. fantastically the miserable weather of the last few weeks had turned in to beautiful sunshine so they could have the party tea outside.
quite lukcy if you’ve got 19 kids at the party !

parachute games

more parachute games today.
i’m under there somewhere.

tony the official archivist

tony agreed to be the official archivist for esther’s birthday. about half way through the party he disappeared. i found him asleep on the sofa.
i bet spielberg never has that trouble.

two andies

here are andy and andy. andy is the one on the right.
both andies are funkypancake readers. andy reads it because i set it as his default homepage on his browser last week and now gets a daily dose.
andy, meanwhile, has been a reader for a while.
here they are with a bin bag to clear up party tea rubbish.

what am i doing ?

i’m doing something very important at esther’s birthday party, but what is it ? those who were there (including tony who took this photo) aren’t allowed to answer.

brother edd, jacqui and my mum

it’s a party weekend. preschool party saturday lunchtime, family birthday party for esther and my mum last night and sunday is esther’s 6th birthday party.

preschool party

it was our local preschool’s 40th aniversary yesterday and they had a big party where there was much fun to be had.
kezia and a decorated biscuit:
Lynn knows her onions:
kezia hooking a duck:

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party popping

here is a random photo.
i was trying to take a picture of esther’s facial expression as she pulled on her party popper string in a restaurant. just as i took the photo she managed to pull the trigger string and it exploded upwards.
you can see the sparks from the explosion on the right hand side and the streamers and tube covering flying up in front of her.


we had a band practice at a church last night (not the one we go to). when we arrived i spotted this rose. i later found out it was probably from a funeral that had gone on earlier.

unfortunately during our practice our car got broken in to (but nothing got stolen). in the scale of the things it’s no big deal, but it’s still a pain phoning insurance companies/window repairers/police report rooms late at night.
what a week !


worth clicking to inspect his one, sent by Andrew. he remarks on the punctionation and spacing. it reads like a poem.

the lettuce leaf mystery

here’s a mystery. lettuce leaves and an umbrella. but why ?
i asked jane and she said “obvious. it was raining lettuce leaves”.
i honestly hadn’t thought that might be the reason. what other explanations are there ?



i don’t want to say much about yesterday’s terrorist things in london so i won’t, but thanks for those who sent emails and texts to check i was ok. i really appreciated that.

i took these poppy pictures last week and most of the pictures today are old ones. i didn’t feel much like photo-ing yesterday (despite walking 17km).
it’s weird when these things happen in places i go to all the time. i missed the edgware bomb by about 10 minutes i think and nearly went via Liverpool Street/Aldgate East. things like that do your head in.

people will ask ‘If God exists, how can he let this happen’. but i wonder how you can make sense of the world if you don’t believe in a God. If there isn’t any ultimate justice for the people that do this kind of thing, then what’s the point in anything ?