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June 2005


this category has now extended to cover coke cans in all situations hasn’t it. but that’s ok with me.


you can tell summer is finally here.
what goes in the bin down but can’t go out the bin up ?

malibu sunrise

i love sunny days. i spend most of them on the floor taking pictures of fruit and coke cans. but here’s a malibu sunrise.

random upside down photo in tower bridge

here’s a couple of upside down – behind you photos from tower bridge many weekends back
here’s one i took:

click for big
and here’s one esther took (shortly before she dropped the camera on her head!):

click for big


here’s my college walter on the other side of my office window. reflected in the window are a load of satellite dishes on the other side of the road.
the picture is a blind picture in that it’s a picture of a blind, but also you can’t really see what it is.

tenuously linked is the fact that our talk in church on sunday morning was about Jesus giving sight to the blind from birth bloke. the miracle itself was cool, but what happened after is equally fascinating.
i recommend you read it here (via Dave Bish‘s website)

sedgeford hall

the great thing about t’internet is that people can search for things.
for example, someone might be going on holiday to the same place we stayed and want to know whether there were enough coat hooks or what colour the sitting room carpet was.
so. if you are planning on going to stay in the library at sedgeford hall near hunstanton and want to know more then let me know ! It was very good.
here’s the swimming pool:
and here’s the lounge (can you see why they call it the library ?)

advertising smarties

smarties are great. little bits of chocolate, all those colours. the whole missing british blue smarty thing, and the allegedly addictive orange ones which turn you hyperactive.
i liked this marketing ploy which was to remove the colour altogether.

smarties are one of those food which work better the more shove in your mouth. it works for crisps too (especially pringles).
enjoyment = (total number of items shoved in to your mouth) squared.
this formula breaks down slightly before the point of choking. you have been warned.

euro announcement

here’s a europe flag flying at our local village fete.

gene wilder

what better way can there be to spend your lunchtime than waiting in a queue to meet non other than Gene Wilder ? What a man !
here he is, wearing a hoody (i think hoodies are still legal wear if they are pastel coloured. his looked more like a pyjama top)

i had to borrow john’s camera for the trip as mine is down the menders. as a result i managed to get very few actually in focus (and none of him looking normal).

the girl in front of my in the queue asked me to take her photo with him because her batteries had run out, but i didn’t do a very good job of getting it in focus. so if she’s reading this – many apologies. oooops.
here is me and him (taken by the bookshop lady). she couldn’t work john’s camera either. i was going to get him to do a little video for the blog but he looked way too tired.
