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signs (general)

o dear

the office which became of fice is now just f ice. the o has g ne.



this bird thing

i saw this sign in a museum. i’ve never looked at it close up before. the brid looks like it is absolutely petrified ! it’s mad tongue and flailing legs make it appear very concerned about something



first ever traffic lights

i thought the first traffic lights ever came from leicester in england. berlin claims that they had the first traffic lights. interesting hey ?

eat me

this sign reminded me of my youngest daughter kezia. she likes to involve herself in her meals in the same way as this little chap.


my german isn’t very good but i think this street might be wet

easy to use bins

i suspect his is actually advertising but i like the idea of easy to use bins


in event of fire, don’t stand in the fireproof box.
or maybe it’s saying “this man and woman had no chance against the fire. they are now ex-people”
or maybe it’s saying “no mixed burning”

lazy eye (2)

remember the lazy eye(s). here is a very lazy f. it’s not even bothered coming in to the office.

a seat of great responsibility

i don’t like flying at all. but i put on a brave face.
my seat this evening was next to the emergency exit, and because of the layout of the plane I was on the emergency exit route. In fact, as pointed out by the stewardess, i was responsible for operating the emergency exit in an emergency.
i had little training but took the responsibilty very seriously. it appeared i would need to slide a little window down, pull a handle and remove the complete door unit. i was ready. luckily i didn’t need to go through with it. though i was ready for a drill at 5,000 feet.
I was thinking about opening it a jar whilst we were going on to get a nice breeze going through. however, they have nice little screens on the planes showing where you are and wind speed etc. one of them said it was -20degC outside so i decided to keep the door shut.

unbelievable value

i love satsumas. it’s what christmas is all about (sort of). we are not quite in season yet, so i expected prices to be slightly inflated.
but, my goodness:
‘tesco unbeatable offers – two for £3.’
I suspect it’s the definition of the word “unbeatable” which is at question here

No more food orders due to no more food

here is a contributed sign from some friends. they saw it at Hughenden Manor. it says:
“No more food orders due to no more food – Many apologies”
that’s the voice of english heritage (national trust actually) saying it like it is

except buses

this bus sign is written in pictures and words in case the bus driver doesn’t speak english. in which case he probably can’t understand ‘except’ and will go up there anyway. if he’s the bus driver then that’s fine cause it’s no entry except for buses.
a picture paints a thousand words. you could save a lot of typing that way.

count the children

5 children playing (they have to change the sign if they have friends round)
and just round the corner:
10 slow children playing

eyes and ears

the last thing we saw in the festival grounds was this beer selling tent. in the half light and from an angle it DID look like it said “carry out ear”. in fact it said carry out bar. picture isn’t very clear. but then neither was my vision. i think it must have been all the second hand smoke i inhaled (we only drank coke (-a-cola) and water all day)