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found stuff

found photo

here’s a photo i found in hyde park this evening. but is it a boy or a girl. i have to decide before i post it on davescollections as this is how i categorise them. sister binky says it’s a boy. what do you think ?
i’ll await some kind of consensus before i post to davescollections.

fridge and a chair

interesting how the door opens on to the road side and that the chair is behind the fridge. makes you think.

marsh mellows

these things are neither mellow nor marsh like.
they are simply little clouds that the cloud people have packaged up and send down to us.
they aren’t even good clouds. they are cloud people rejects (they keep the good clouds to use as real clouds). they are but cheap imitations built and packaged up for the tourists.

accidental self portrait (with rubbish)

here are some found things. i didn’t realise at the time but it’s also a self portrait (it proves i’m wearing a synthetic tie today)
also … doesn’t the basin bottom look like a smiley face ?

click for big versions
update1: this isn’t me after all ! see comment …
update2: They were filming the sequel to Bridget Jones’ Diary around Borough Market (where i took this photo) so this collection of junk may have been an artfully arranged prop.

bag with stuff in

this abandoned over night bag contained a shirt. i didn’t venture any deeper in to it.

tube pass

i found a tube pass. it had a photo in it. But it also had about £250 of unused month’s travel on it. so i handed it in at Goodge Street tube station.


i love chocolate. here is some new style galaxy on the floor by my local train station. i didn’t eat it. instead i bought a sausage and chips which i ate whilst walking back down my icey street. they tasted great and i loved it.
until i dropped my sausage and became irrationally angry. i reminded myself of jonah when his fig tree died (6-9).
i had no right to be angry with God about my lost lunch.


here is a bit of photo i found. it was very dirty and there wasn’t any other bits around. this one isn’t even worthy of including in davescollections

encased in ice

anything blaine-in-a-box can do, the queen can do better. he she is on a one pence piece encased between layers of ice.
and here is a towel nearby:
and a little further up the road, a mattress:
and finally, a cigar in very good condition:


it’s a comb. on the pavement. yes.

discarded items

our short walk today brought us in to contact with many interesting things. a cooker, an old shoe and an abandoned TV. The TV still had the mains plug attached, but there wasn’t any power sockets in the park to see if it still worked.
DSC09845.jpg DSC09855.jpg

a quality street

i found this on the pavement near where i live. it’s been there for a few days. in my opinion it’s a quality street.