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more from the weebls-stuff. a most excellent scampi. turn your sound on and enjoy

Presentation #1

you may remember i spent all tuesday writing presentations ? Well i got to present one of them this afternoon.
i think it went well. there were a few smiles and people seemed to enjoy it. i’d turned down the lights so low that i couldn’t really see people’s faces so couldn’t tell if anyone had fallen asleep (i used light switch setting number 4 if you are noting these things down)
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the picture on the left shows the auditoreum.
the picture on the right shows some of the best technical brains in Britain trying to reboot a computer and get the projector working. it broke down when a poor chap was just starting his presentation. Hoorah for technical problems.
I’ve on more presentation on a different subject for me tomorrow and then i can relax for the weekend !
What’s that ? you’d like to see the presentation ? well, you’d best go to their website and look there then

more sweepers

here is a strange thing. the driver of the fancy road cleaners is seen here collaborating with a lowly pavement cleaner. incredible. especially since the leaves incident



photo booth mystery

i love photobooths as they provide passport photos which people lose and i can find
this man was standing in a booth at Paddington Station. I got a £2 coin out to put in the slot at the outside to give him a shock when it took some photos, but unfortunately the coin slot is now on the inside.
so i took this photo from the outside instead

more cleaners

here are two more cleaners to add to the hierachy (one a the top, one at the bottom)
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signs of hounds

here is a picture of a hound and a rather mysterious shape which looks unforunately a little like a bottom.

when blogs collide

i went out with grahame from dragoon last night. until recently his blog was sublet under the funkypancake domain, but now he has his own house to live in.
we wandered the streets of london and relieved some of our various blog postings. most(ly) fun.
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this photo is sideways, but i think it works better that way:


it was very very wet walking in to work this morning. i took my glasses off so i could see better which sort of worked.
this was a mysterious site. a bit like crop circles, only with leaves and on the road.
i suspect that there is some demarkation thing going on between the pavement cleaners and the road cleaners. it’s the thawny subject of ‘gutter edge ownsership’
pavement cleaners are probably responsible for the pavement and up to half a metre in to the road (to make sure the gutter is cleared). Road cleaners are responsible for the road, which for their pursposes starts half a metre from the gutter edge.
However, there seems to be one of two problems going on here:
1) there is a calibration problem and the pavement / street cleaners measurements are undermeasured
2) the pavement cleaners are measuring the distance from the pavement side of the kerb stone whilst the street cleaners are measuring it from the road side, leaving a gap the size of the kerb stones in the road.
perhaps there are other explanations …

here i still sit

here i still sit, 15 hours after i started this morning, still working on those presentations. one is pretty much done, the other is still some way off.
i’m in meetings all tomorrow so probably won’t get a chance to update the blog (or the presentations) until tomorrow evening (UK time).
yeah – finally finished one presentation and nearly done the other. It’s 23:41 so i best get to bed as it’s nearly time to get up for tomorrow :-/

weebl anb bob

whilst searching for a picture of a weeble for my presentation i found the weebl and bob site. these clips appear on MTV2 sometimes and are excellent (though not always family friendly). This one is my favourite. works best with sound on.
i also found this bonkers thing ! you’ll be singing it all day.
if badgers aren’t your thing then maybe potatoes are.

ancient watches and calculators

here is an excellent site for lovers of 1970s/80s technology. loads of calculators and digital watches. even a TV watch from c1982.
click picture to go to site
i used to have this watch when i was a lad. it played the james bond theme tune and i would set it off and run around the playground.

it’s another working from home day

i’m working from home today, so no exciting london street finds today i suspect. i’ve gone for a 5am start as my mind is more active at this time of day. and the house is absolutely silent.
the downside is that it’s very chilly and i’d still really like to go back to bed.
i’ve got two presentations to give this week (to the NICC Open Forum and the Oftel Internet Forum). [the oftel website seems to be quite broken at the moment and even spells my name wrong which is nice]
Today i dedicate myself to their construction.


i walked past Buckingham Palace this evening on the way back to the station. Michael Burke, the newsreader was outside the palace recording a live bit for the BBC evening news.
he was probably reporting on the Prince Charles thing which all international (non UK) readers of this blog can read in their local papers, but we in the UK can’t. but that’s alright as we’re not bothered.
i have some nice Royal commemorative items i could show you sometime. i might take a few pictures of my favourite Charles and Di items tomorrow. you can look forward to that if you want (optional)

street technology

here is a misfunctioning BT multimedia payphone. the pattern is hypnotic encouraging us to buy more cheese (i suspect)
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and here is an ancient public payphone which has seen better days

found photo !

exciting morning – found a photo in the street which i can add to davescollections later. (i generally obscure the faces when the picture is obviously of a child)

no parking

there’s no parking here. there’s 6 seperate signs on the same sign post to tell us. unfortunately, the driver of this car is so rich he hasn’t noticed
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