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May 2006

page 25

i’ve been collecting photos of the posters in paddington station which all seem to have page numbers on. The posters are usually huge (A0 sized ?) so they must be from a very big book.
however, this one was A4 sized (‘legal’ page size minus a bit if you’re not from round these parts). what can it mean

better funkypancake podcast
i revamped my first attempt with this. it was quite a lot of work coordinating the flying words so i’m not sure if i’ll do that bit again. i’ll just have to see. i think it also looks like an early experiment in powerpoint or an early 1990s website.
but i’m much happier with the intro and outro and i’m exploring software options too, so if you have any smart ideas let me know. this was done using a demo version of Ulead Videostudio.
video podcast
ipod version (8.8MB): m4v ipod version (use quicktime or itunes to play)
mp4 version (13.2MB): mp4 version for windows


test transmission – the first funkypancake video podcast

here is the first funkypancake video podcast (suitable for video ipods and watchable in itunes). how very modern.
this is more of an experiment than anything else. there’s plenty i can improve on if i do another.
anyway, let me know what you think.

download here (you might have to right click and ‘save as’):
video ipod: funkypancake_test1.m4v (3.1MB)
windows media player: funkypancake_test1.wmv (1.7MB)

Improved version of these are here

holland park
have you ever been to Holland Park ? it’s not too far from Olympia and is really lovely. i walked through it as a short cut to get to a meeting and was really pleased i did.
can you believe this is right in the centre of london ?