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November 2005

christmas on oxford street

selfridges has a rather nice london themed christmas window display. it’s a bit cartographically challenged, although i kind of like the idea of trafalgar square having the thames snaking round it.
there’s even a religious element to their christmas display
meanwhile they also have a load of santas in a fridge
and a load of seals

(this one is for new reader ellen who wrote a short story of odd socks once and found me via the russel davies’ always excellent blog)

the patter of tiny feet

is there the patter of tiny feet in the funkypancake household ? we’re not sure, but it might be a mouse.
so, as an experiment i’ve loaded 5 mouse traps and strategically placed them in the loft.
the two on the left have peanut butter and the two on the right have chocolate as their bates.
the fifth trap is off to the left and has no bate (but is set). This is a control-trap (important for all experiments i think).
which trap (if any) do you think will catch a mouse (which we don’t even know exists) ?
[apologies to any vermin lovers out there]

bluey green
i think this one looks quite nice bigger, so click to enjoy more