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January 2005

gloves on railings

i walked down a small section of street this morning which had a number of gloves stuck on the railings, rather like last week’s coke drinks.
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and here’s the one from last week which is still there. but it’s now got a spider’s web attached (or maybe it’s spiderman’s glove and the web has shot out from the glove) ?


bracknell is a funny place. here is a gold building with a reflection of an equally attractive building.

corporation housing

the phrase ‘corporation housing’ is great. it seems to point to a past which had an optimistic view of the future.
and look at this fantastic building version of a belt buckle !

police horses

i love their little flourescent bottom jackets. helps them show up if you view them from above.




it’s the whole inside-outside thing of modern buildings. outside staircases, outside reception areas captured in massive areas of glass to stop the elements.
why not just have the desks and offices outside and save building the building ?
obviously you’d need a few paper weights to stop your papers blowing away. but we can work on that.

click to see


can you see what’s happened here ? liberty has become berty.
so this photo is for you if your name is berty.

click to inspect

don’t feed the bladers

home made sign on the south bank:

please do not feed the bladers. hungry bladers operating in this area



handle, shelter and cover all seperated.