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March 2004

charles and diana (and beer)

cheryl asked if she could see my charles and diana glass tankard full of drink.
here is it full of old speckled hen. hmm. old speckled hen. another sponsorship opportunity ?

couple 10

dan, from san francisco-shire (that’s in america you know) found this photo outside his place of employment.
within hours of finding it he jumped on a plane with his family to hand the photo over in person:
and here is the photo (it’s quite small and dark so this is as good as it can be):


where do cows park their boats ? i don’t know either. i suspect this sign may provide some kind of answer.



blog readers

here is esther with our friends who read this blog. we had a lovely fun day.
on the train to henley:
in coats:

stuck coin

this coin was glued to the floor of the train to henley using the old glue-a-coin-to-the-floor trick. normally this trick involves a 50 pence piece. this being henley it was a nice round pound.

esther’s art

here are two pieces are art drawn by esther. the one on the left seems to be a person riding a horse. the one on the right is a person with an eye patch next to a winnie the pooh sticker:
here is a slightly older picture. once again we see the hidden eyes. a key feature of esther’s current art.
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i don’t know it they’ll work very well, but i thought i’d have a go. so you now have some lovely polls to fill in on the right. we can all learn about each other in aggregate. the polls should rotate randomly. possibly.
let me know if you have a good idea for a question (and a few answers) or have any problems.

kezia the frog

here is kezia with her self-made frog hat on. she insisted on wearing it when she was having her bedtime prayers. it restricted her view slightly.

the age of chivalry is dead. official

here is a hanky. it’s on the floor in the station and no one has picked it up.
it used to be the case that ladies would drop their hanky to attract the attention of male of the opposite sex who would lean over and return said item to the lady of the opposite persuasion. (i suspect i may be over wording this slightly).
but the very fact that this was left on the station proved that this approach to dating no longer works. people would rather go speed dating instead it seems.

catch all sign

this sign has a multitude of uses. it’s nice that people care.

clock at a funeral directors

here is a not very brilliant picture of a clock outside a funeral directors. it’s constantly reminding us that our time on this planet is very much finite and time is ticking by.
funeral shops are funny old places. they never really get to meet their clients properly.

how bins work

have you ever wondered how bins work ? here is one handily displayed in a cross section so we can see how it all fits together.
someone has put their rubbish in a paper bag. the paper bag sits in the metal bin. the metal bin (the ‘actual’ bin in this case) is then slotted in to a concrete holder which has been purpose built for the purpose.
brilliant isn’t it ?

old groovers

remember this chap ? well he was out yesterday with a couple of pensioners dressed up as funky 70s disco dancers with wigs. it was very scarey. their strange jerky arm movements were particularly disturbing.
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rats on the south bank
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budget priorities

i spotted this newspaper sign yesterday which related to the government’s budget statement. you can see what kind of coutry modern britain is by the which things the papers think will concern us most. there were few mentions of the new VAT free status for church repairs …