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March 2004


people like order amongst chaos.
i was delighted to see two blue ford focus estate cars parked next to each in a massive empty car park. SNAP !


i’ve mentioned benches before. it’s not clear to me if the JOY on the back of this bench is a person or a concept.

more swanage (and a fox)

this ball is a glove showing the British Empire (as was):
a few metres away from this point was a really tame (wild) fox:
it even stood still so we could get a nice photo.

swanage library

maritime architecture is a fantastic thing. i love looking at buildings near the sea. curved corners seem to be the main feature. absolutely no right angles please.
i was therefore delighted to see this ‘modern’ building in swanage (a british seaside town). it’s quite something.

swanage beach

swanage beach in march is cold but good fun (if you are a kid)
and here is jane looking jolly:

star turn

esther has come up with a brilliant plan. she’s going to wear a star on her hand for 24 hours. where does she get such great ideas from ? it’s a performance art thing i recon.
by the way, the lent activity is still going well.

uneven is odd

roads themselves don’t go anywhere. perhaps it’s referring to the slow movement of tectonic plates. that would account for the unevenness (oddness) of the road surface.
they shouldn’t let geologists make street signs.


i went to the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall for a meeting this afternoon.
The Royal Automobile Club club is one of those historic gentlemen’s club things which were very popular with the upper classes in years gone by. The people who were running the presentation i was attending had hired a room on the 1st floor.
I arrived at the same time as about 10 of my colleagues. As i walked in a very nice waiter/bouncer chap approached me and in front of everyone asked if i had a jacket. i replied i didn’t (preferring shirt/tie/suit trousers with jumper rather than jacket). he then said “sorry, you have to wear a jacket to get in”.
ooops. luckily he had one in his jumble sale box which i borrowed. i felt like the kid at school who forgot his sports kit. he said i could take it off as soon as i got to the room. i got a few remarks about the jacket, which matched one of the other attendees normal jacket !
here is me wearing the borrowed jacket in the men’s toilets and below it and the communal comb and hair brushes provided for club members to brush their receeding hairlines (i decided not to try them out):
why did i call this item RAC IQ ? because i wasn’t smart enough.

lost station

the lost underground station at The Strand.

strings down holes

as regular readers will know, london was once a pine forest on a mountain.
however, did you also know that the new London actually floats on the thames ? here are some of the tethering ropes which go down through the ground and pop out in to the thames where they are anchored.
it’s quite common to see these ropes protruding from the street as they wear themselves lose by the bobbing movements.

a similar blog

here’s an interesting thing. it’s a blog which is a bit like mine, set in the same part of london with the same obsession for signs.
russell davies

a better class of vagrant

i occasionally see beer cans and empty boxes in doorways. these are the tell-tale signs of ‘life’ left by street people.
i used to help with a couple of homeless projects a while back and the amazing thing was the type of people who ended up homeless. they came from all social classes and backgrounds. it could happen to anyone.
here we see the dining remains of an obviously higher class of street liver. two bottles of red, some breadsticks and humous dip, an apple, some foliage (for decoration) and a pile of takeaway menus. they’ve never had it so good.

little heart

it’s rare to find love on the street of london. but here it is. for all to see.