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March 2004

weymouth beach again

last time we were here it was a bit warmer. compare and contrast jane nearly one year previous.
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randomly, round the beach is a load of fencing. thankfully some of this has been kicked in by the locals (i assume) so there are a few holes where pensioners can see the sea through whilst sitting on benches.
who says the youth of today don’t care about the old folk ?

fancy goods, fancy toilet, fancy hotel

Weymouth is a funny place. we saw this woman last time we were there.
here is a shop which sells fancy goods. what are fancy goods ? well they aren’t cigarettes or rock. one man’s fancy is another’s normal. the shop is boarded up. perhaps someone took the owner’s fancy ?
next to the fancy good shop is this excessively elaborate public toilet:
and between the two is this very dodgy looking door which leads to a passageway between the two buildings. it claims to be a hotel !
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starsky and hutch

andrew, who was very kindly babysitting the blog whilst i was away, spotted this Starsky and Hutch photo call today. it’s got the new and the old. and the car.
typical. the one day i’m not in london today and i miss it !
he also sent this glove and this trolley disaster:


what kind of a price is £12 ? £11.99 would have been better.
these little stickers are all over my village on lamposts and stuff. probably some pesky kids. but where were they from originally ? and what was the original price ?
i suspect it was a failed marketing campaign. some bright spark thought he’d advertise his £10 goods as newly increased priced at £12 to see if he could make some money. how foolish he would have felt when he’d realised his own stupidity.

black and white day tomorrow ?

it’s a while since i set myself an interesting challenge so i thought i may have a black and white photo day tomorrow. i’ll set it on my camera rather than remove the colours on my computer.
alternatively i could use the pyschedlic setting which i acidentally actioned for this shot.
what’s it to be ? black and white or psychedlic ?

big mouthed train passengers

the misery of the modern commutter is sound waves. the noise of squealing wheels and brakes, and modern man speaking on his wires free eletrical telephones and magical musical listening lanterns.
i looked out my train window this afternoon and saw a train with a particularly wide mouthed occupant.

gloves at gatwick

i went to gatwick today and saw gloves galore. i had struck a very rich seam of mostly laytex gloves
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no household objects

where would we be without scissors ? some people are trying to find out.

the end of the cat

after nearly three months, the hairy cat is finally no more. last seen it was dropped in to water and all the hair fell off. before that it was very hairy.
jane finally tired of the must in the glass so we put it in a bowl and tried to find the little mouse. but there wasn’t one ! what a dissapointment.
here are photos of
1) initial tentative searching for the mouse with an old pen
2) more thorough searching /mushing
3) added more water to soak the mouse out
4) admitting there isn’t a mouse and flushing down the plug hole
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the cat and mouse experiment is now closed. thank you for your cooperation and interest

a very strange sign

here is a completely confusing sign i saw on the edge of a building site. the green goes nicely with the purples, but i haven’t a clue what it means.
it appears to be implying that the people in the middle are the centre of gravity.
perhaps it’s the holy trinity in the middle (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit in that order). The sign is subtly telling people “hey, this God/Jesus/Spirit thing. think about it. it’s the only way of making sense of life”.
i suspect it’s actually an emergency congregation point. which is also how some people think of God.


at what point in life do you not get excited when fire engines come whizzing down your street ? it’s the noise and the colours. red fire engines and yellow hats look so good together.

the gates were closed

the gates were closed so i knocked on the door. thank fully there was no one in so i didn’t need to explain that i was just taking their sign literally.
or perhaps the joke was on me as there was some fantastic prize for the first person to follow the random street instructions.
we are programmed to obey orders. especially when they are written in such flambouyant handwriting

techno town

come to london where the street are paved with CDburning software.

moles ?

this puzzled me. has someone travelled to work by dirt ?
or has someone stolen a car by digging underneath it and pulling it down a hole ?
or is this a giant cat poo from the giant cat which lives in london ?

undercover police bike ?

this bike as a long tube sticking up in the air on its rack at the back. it reminds me of one of those kids training bikes with a handle on the back. or a dodgem car. perhaps bikes are powered by overhead electricity lines in these modern days.
or maybe it’s an undercover police bike and the tube conceals the various aerials and communication paraphanalia [no ‘e’s for me].

outside laundrette

here is a washing machine outside a laundrette. business is growing at a greater rate than their accomodation. they should put up some rotary washing lines instead of the electronic driers.

tank chasing monkey

this might be my favouritistest sign of all time. it made me smile for days. it’s a tank chasing a monkey (thanks to jane for doing some fantastic driving to allow me to get out the car and take this photo):

but who would really win such a battle ? having had our car eaten by a monkey i could understand why things had changed by the time we reached the next roundabout:
here are some more monkeyless tank signs:
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it appears we know the enemy is tracking our tanks.