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funkypancake blog is 10 years old today!



I started 10 years ago exactly today. can you believe it?

over that time i’ve posted over 20,000 pages of blog-ness and i suspect over 30,000 pictures.  difficult to say.

my life has changed quite dramatically since i started. kids are 10 years older.  we now live on the other side of the planet.

i’ve also got through a few different cameras just by wearing them out!  i’m on my fourth compact camera and second SLR.  which actually doesn’t sound that bad over 10 years.

i’ve given the site a bit of a make-over to celebrate (no cakes, sorry).  and i’ll start posted slightly bigger pictures when the current preloaded pictures filter through.

i’ve also found a few old ones that where i created the draft posts but never got round to posting them.

thanks for coming on the journey of    I’m still not entirely sure what it’s about but it’s certainly a big archive of something.

take care …   dave