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famous again

Apparently my davescollections website was on Terry and Gabby a few weeks back ! i think they may have pitched it as ‘photos reunited’.
no wonder people keep pointing at me in the street.


abbrevs are good. the key thing is to take a normal phrase or sentence, and construct an abbrev of it. live with the abbrev for a while and forget what the original phrase or sentence was. at this stage you are free to explore the meaning and expand out the abbrev into something more beautiful.
eg. FYI is obviously short for Feast Your Is (Eyes)

entry 1001

wow. the ‘n‘ was the n’th entry which was entry number 1000 (across all the blogs including deleted entries). makes you proud doesn’t it. probably. not.

woman exerts same pressure as elephant shocker

i noticed yesterday that there is a trend for very thin high heels. i noticed this when someone nearly got stuck on an escalator and someone else did get stuck going in to an office building in a little great (great little?).
it got me thinking back to physics lessons at school and how pressure is related to weight and area. a quick google search revealed a number of essays on this subject. one such is here:
Pressure Under High Heels.
Bear in mind that as high heels become smaller, the pressure exerted will tend to infinity. and that’s a lot of pressure.

stinking cold

i’ve a stinking cold today. as everyone knows a stinking cold is an ideal opportunity to try a spot of amateur pharmacoooticalling.
i have decided that a combination of squeezed orange juice, fresh cranberry juice, coproxamol, crisps (plain), carrot sticks and rice cakes will make me feel great again. so far so bad.

this is not true

this is not true – but would you risk chaining anything to the railings to find out ?

congestion busters

here are three congestion charge busting devices. i spotted the chair with the buggy in the background first then noticed this other buggy a few metres down the road.
Both the buggies look a bit worse for wear – perhaps they have been lying dormant in people’s cupboards and now the new term has started these mistreated machines are falling apart ?
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a weird thing

here is a strange plastic thing near Gatwick airport. a real mystery

jane in an ONB

we bought a map yesterday at the Henley Show. We used it today to go for a walk near Grey’s Court (which itself was shut). According to the map it is an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ONB).
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car boot challenge

big car boot sale today in Henley. i wore a hat to stop my oozing head getting even more burnt. two of our very good friends were (seperately) selling their wares. we wanted to buy from them to support them, but also didn’t want to buy any of their old cack (we have enough cack of our own).
amongst all the general car boot sale nonsense was some TV recording of some car boot sale program.

waitrose quick check

i discovered waitrose quick check today. scanning your own food is fantastic ! of course esther is an expert on this already as jane usually scans when she goes round in the week. but it was my first time and i loved it.
here are two girls in a trolley:

henley show

we went to the henley show today. it was excellent. very hot (i burnt my head).
highlights were the larmaaaas. i don’t know where llamas have come from but there are all of a sudden loads of them at country fairs. The Henley Show even had special showing classes for them. They do look quite cute though. their popularity has also boosted sales of labcoats. Poor animals probably expect to be experimented on.
This being Henley, land of the posh, we were delighted to see some truely exceptional picnic-ers. we sat on a rug and ate chips. others had bought luxury tables and chairs with champagne flutes and even flowers for their tables. the world was a live with the sound of popping champagne corks
Another highlight was the motorbike display team. we sat behind their starting positions so we got to see (and smell) a lot of waiting bikes whilst being helpfully shielded from the real action by the bikes themselves. what we could see was good though.
summary: Total entry fee was £17 and we paid the same again for food, so quite expensive. we were there for 5 hours though so good value I think.

kezia in a hat

kezzy loves hats. even if they are a bit too small. she insisted on wearing her hat today despite it being really warm

am i french enough ?

it’s herve’s last day in the office. people are dropping like mouches. he’s not leaving the company. just his desk.
herve has been trying to increase his ‘française’ influence, particularly with regard to fashion, specifically related to my jumper, more exactly relating to how i wear it.
here is my first attempt as wearing my jumper “the french way”

feats of endurance

you have to admire this chap. he pushed a peanut with his nose across london.
‘It is the latest in a series of protests by McGowan which have included rolling across London to promote kindness to cleaners and walking backwards with a turkey on his head to fight obesity. ‘
BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Nut heads for Downing Street
Much better than Blaine-in-a-box